TEXAS ETHICS COMMISSION EXPLANATION OF COMMON CODES FOUND IN THE CAMPAIGN FINANCE ONLINE DATABASE This file provides descriptions of the different common codes used throught the Texas Ethics Commission Campaign Finance digital data. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form Type Codes used to state the specific type of Digital TEC Form. These codes are used in the 'formTypeCd' fields. Form Code Code Description ------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------- COH Candidate/Officeholder JCOH Judicial Candidate/Officeholder COHFR Candidate/Officeholder Designation of Final Report COHUC Unexpended Contributions For Candidates/Officeholders COHSS Candidate/Officeholder Special Session Report SCCOH State/County Chair Candidate/Officeholder SCCOHFR State/County Chair Candidate/Officeholder Designation of Final Report GPAC General-Purpose Committee MPAC Monthly Filing General-Purpose Committee SPAC Specific-Purpose Committee SPACSS Specific-Purpose Committee Special Session Report JSPAC Judicial Specific-Purpose Committee JSPACSS Judicial Specific-Purpose Committee Special Session Report SCSPAC State/County Specific-Purpose Committee DCE Report of Direct Campaign Expenditures PACDR Political Committee Affidavit of Dissolution JSPACDR Judicial Specific-Purpose Committee Affidavit of Dissolution SCSPACDR State/County Specific-Purpose Committee Affidavit of Dissolution CEC County Executive Committee MCEC Monthly Filing County Executive Committee PTYCORP Political Party Report Regarding Funds from Corporations and Labor Organizations SPK Candidate For Speaker Of The Texas House Of Representatives SPKUC Unexpended Contributions For Former Candidate For Speaker Of The Texas House Of Representatives LEG Legislative Caucus Report of Contributions and Expenditures ASIFSPAC As-If Specific Purpose Committee DAILYCCOH Candidate/Officeholder Daily Pre-Election Report DAILYCPAC Political Committee Daily Pre-Election Report of Contributions DAILYEPAC Political Committee Daily Pre-Election Report of Expenditures DIRE Daily Pre-Election Report of Direct Expenditures CORCOH Correction Affidavit For Candidate/Officeholder CORJCOH Correction Affidavit For Judicial Candidate/Officeholder CORPAC Correction Affidavit For Candidate/OfficeholdPolitical Committee CORPTY Correction Affidavit For Political Party Report Regarding Funds from Corporations/Labor Organizations CORSPK Correction Affidavit For Candidate For Speaker Of The Texas House Of Representatives CORLEG Correction Affidavit For Legislative Caucus CORDAILYCCOH Correction Affidavit For Candidate/Officeholder Daily Pre-Election Report CORDAILYCPAC Correction Affidavit For Political Committee Daily Pre-Election Report of Contributions CORDAILYEPAC Correction Affidavit For Political Committee Daily Pre-Election Report of Expenditures ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Report Type Codes used to state the different types of Report a specific report can cover. These codes are used in the 'reportTypeCd' fields. Report Code Code Description ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- SEMIJAN January Semiannual Report SEMIJUL July Semiannual Report CFJAN Monthly January Report CFFEB Monthly February Report CFMAR Monthly March Report CFAPR Monthly April Report CFMAY Monthly May Report CFJUN Monthly June Report CFJUL Monthly July Report CFAUG Monthly August Report CFSEP Monthly September Report CFOCT Monthly October Report CFNOV Monthly November Report CFDEC Monthly December Report E08DAYBEF 8 Day Before Election Report E30DAYBEF 30 Day Before Election Report E50DAYBEF 50 Day Before Election Report RUNOFF Runoff Election Report DAILYCCOH Daily Pre-Election Report for Candidate/Officeholders DAILYCPAC Daily Pre-Election Report for PAC Contributions DAILYEPAC Daily Pre-Election Report for PAC Expenditures A10DAYAFT 10th Day After Campaign Treasurer Appointment A15DAYAFT 15th Day After Campaign Treasurer Appointment FINAL Final Report PACDR PAC Dissolution Report 500EXCEED Exceeded Modified Reporting Limit Report SPKJAN January 1 Speaker Report SPKMAR March 1 Speaker Report SPKMAY May 1 Speaker Report SPKJUL July 1 Speaker Report SPKSEP September 1 Speaker Report SPKNOV November 1 Speaker Report BRSSPK Speaker - Day Before Regular Session Convenes Report BSSSPK Speaker - Day Before Special Session Convenes Report UNEXPCONT Unexpended Contributions Report UNEXPCONT_FINAL Final Unexpended Contributions Report SPKUC Speaker Unexpended Contributions Report SS Special Session Report ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of the Schedules used for each record of activity ona report. These codes are used in the 'schedFormTypeCd' fields. Schedule Schedule Description Category ------------ ------------------------------------- ------------------- A1 Monetary Political Contributions CONTRIBUTION A2 Non-Monetary (In-Kind) Political Contributions CONTRIBUTION A2SS Non-Monetary (In-Kind) Political Contributions (Special Session) CONTRIBUTION AJ1 Monetary Political Contributions (Judicial) CONTRIBUTION AL Non-Caucus Member Contributions CONTRIBUTION AS1 Monetary Contributions (Speaker) CONTRIBUTION AS2 In-Kind Contributions (Speaker) CONTRIBUTION C1 Monetary Contributions From Corporation Or Labor Organization CONTRIBUTION C2 Non-Monetary (In-Kind) Contributions From Corporation Or Labor Organization CONTRIBUTION C3 Monetary Support From Corporation Or Labor Organization CONTRIBUTION C4 Non-Monetary Support From Corporation Or Labor Organization CONTRIBUTION K Interest, Credits, Gains, Refunds, And Contributions Returned To Filer CREDIT COHUC2 Candidate/Officeholder Report Of Unexpended Contributions Part 2 EXPENDITURE F1 Political Expenditures From Political Contributions EXPENDITURE F2 Unpaid Incurred Obligations EXPENDITURE F3 Purchase Of Investments From Political Contributions EXPENDITURE F4 Expenditures Made by Credit Card EXPENDITURE FL Legislative Caucus Expenditures EXPENDITURE FS Expenditures (Speaker) EXPENDITURE G Political Expenditures From Personal Funds EXPENDITURE H Payment From Political Contributions To The Business Of A C/OH EXPENDITURE I Non-Political Expenditures From Political Contributions EXPENDITURE SPKUCFS Expenditures (Speaker) EXPENDITURE E Loans LOAN EJ Loans (Judicial) LOAN EL Loans To Legislative Caucus LOAN ES Loans (Speaker) LOAN L Outstanding Loans LOAN B Pledged Contributions PLEDGE BJ Pledged Contributions (Judicial) PLEDGE BJSS Pledged Contributions (Judicial Special Session) PLEDGE BSS Pledged Contributions (Special Session) PLEDGE D Pledged Contributions From Corporation Or Labor Organization PLEDGE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of the different Office Codes used on the Reports. These codes are used in the 'candidateHoldOfficeCd' and 'candidateSeekOfficeCd' fields. Office Code Code Description ----------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- AGRICULTUR Agriculture Commissioner ATTYGEN Attorney General COMPTROLLER Comptroller PARTYCHAIRCO County Party Chair JUSTICE_COA Court of Appeals, Justice CHIEFJUSTICE_COA Court of Appeals, Chief Justice JUDGE_COCA Court of Criminal Appeals, Judge PRESIDINGJUDGE_COCA Court of Criminal Appeals, Presiding Judge CRIMINAL_DISTATTY Criminal District Attorney CRIMINAL_JUDGEDIST Criminal District Court Judge CRIMINAL_JUDGEDIST_DAL Criminal District Court Judge, Dallas Co. CRIMINAL_JUDGEDIST_JEF Criminal District Court Judge, Jefferson Co. CRIMINAL_JUDGEDIST_TAR Criminal District Court Judge, Tarrant Co. DISTATTY District Attorney DISTATTY_MULTI District Attorney JUDGEDIST District Judge JUDGEDIST_MULTI District Judge JUDGEDIST_FAMILY Family District Court Judge GOVERNOR Governor LANDCOMM Land Commissioner LTGOVERNOR Lieutenant Governor NONE None OTHER Other Office RRCOMM Railroad Commissioner RRCOMM_UNEXPIRED Railroad Commissioner, Unexpired Term SOS Secretary of State JUDGE_SENIOR Senior Judge STATEEDU State Board of Education STATE_CHAIR State Chairman STATEREP State Representative STATESEN State Senator JUDGESTATCO Statutory County Judge CHIEFJUSTICE_SC Supreme Court Chief Justice JUSTICE_SC Supreme Court Justice COL_MULTI_1 1st Multicounty Court Of Law COL_MULTI_2 2nd Multicounty Court Of Law ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of the different Expenditure category codes reported on Expenditure data. These codes are used in the 'expendCatCd' fields. Category Code Code Description ------------------- ------------------------------- ADVERTISE Advertising Expense ACCOUNT Accounting/Banking CONSULT Consulting Expense CREDITCARD Credit Card Payment EVENT Event Expense FEES Fees GIFTS Gift/Awards/Memorials Expense LEGAL Legal Services FOOD Food/Beverage Expense POLLING Polling Expense PRINTING Printing Expense SALARIES Salaries/Wages/Contract Labor FUNDRAISE Solicitation/Fundraising Expense TRAVELIN Travel In District TRAVELOUT Travel Out of District OVERHEAD Office Overhead/Rental Expense LOAN Loan Repayment/Reimbursement TRANSPORT Transportation Equipment & Related Expense DONATIONS Contributions/Donations Made By Candidate/Officeholder/Political Committee OTHER OTHER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of the different types of Transportation codes reported on Travel data. These codes are used in the 'transportationTypeCd' fields. Transporatation Code Code Description ------------------------ ------------------------------ COMMAIR Commercial Airplane PRIVAIR Private Airplane COMMAUTO Commercial Automobile PRIVAUTO Private Automobile RAIL Railroad BAGFEES Baggage Fees COMMBOAT Commercial Boat PRIVBOAT Private Boat OTHER Other ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of the different Name Titles used for individual people's names. These codes are used in the '[Type]NamePrefixCd' fields. Title Code Code Description ---------------- ----------------------- AGENT Agent BRIGADIER Brig. Gen. CAPTAIN Capt. CEO CEO COLONEL Colonel COMMISSNR Commissioner DR Dr. ESTATE The Estate of GENERAL General HONORABLE The Honorable JUDGE Judge LADY Lady LT Lt. LTGENERAL Lt. Gen. MAJOR Major MAJORGEN Maj. Gen. MISS Miss MONSIGNOR Monsignor MR Mr. MRS Mrs. MS Ms. OFFICER Officer PROFESSOR Prof. RABBI Rabbi REPRESENTATIVE Rep. REVEREND Rev. SENATOR Sen. SGT Sgt. SISTER Sister ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of the different Name Suffixes used for individual people's names. These codes are used in the '[Type]NameSuffixCd' fields. Suffix Code Code Description --------------- ------------------- AUD Au.D CDT C.D.T CPA CPA DC D.C. DDS D.D.S DJ DJ DMD DMD DO D.O. DPM DPM DRPH DrPH DSN DSN DVM DVM EDD Ed.D. ESQ Esq. I I II II III III IV IV JD J.D. JR Jr. JRMD Jr MD LAC L.AC. LLB LLB LLC LLC LMSW LMSW LVN LVN MA M.A. MBA MBA MD M.D. MDDDS MDDDS MDMS MD MS MDPHD MDPhD MED M.Ed. MHA MHA MPS MPS OD O.D. PA P.A. PAC PA-C PC P.C. PE P.E. PG P.G. PHD Ph.D PT P.T. RDH RDH RET Ret. RN R.N. RPH R.Ph. SR Sr. V V VI VI ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of the different Country codes used for address data. These codes are used in the '[Type]CountryCd' fields. Country Code Code Label --------------- -------------- USA United States CAN Canada MEX Mexico UMI United States Minor Outlying Islands ALA Aland Islands AFG Afghanistan ALB Albania DZA Algeria ASM American Samoa AND Andorra AGO Angola AIA Anguilla ATA Antarctica ATG Antigua and Barbuda ARG Argentina ARM Armenia ABW Aruba AUS Australia AUT Austria AZE Azerbaijan BHS Bahamas BHR Bahrain BGD Bangladesh BRB Barbados BLR Belarus BEL Belgium BLZ Belize BEN Benin BMU Bermuda BTN Bhutan BOL Bolivia, Plurinational State of BES Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina BWA Botswana BVT Bouvet Island BRA Brazil IOT British Indian Ocean Territory BRN Brunei Darussalam BGR Bulgaria BFA Burkina Faso BDI Burundi CIV Cote d'Ivoire KHM Cambodia CMR Cameroon CPV Cape Verde CYM Cayman Islands CAF Central African Republic TCD Chad CHL Chile CHN China CXR Christmas Island CCK Cocos (Keeling) Islands COL Colombia COM Comoros COG Congo COD Congo, the Democratic Republic of the COK Cook Islands CRI Costa Rica HRV Croatia CUB Cuba CUW Curacao CYP Cyprus CZE Czech Republic DNK Denmark DJI Djibouti DMA Dominica DOM Dominican Republic ECU Ecuador EGY Egypt SLV El Salvador GNQ Equatorial Guinea ERI Eritrea EST Estonia ETH Ethiopia FLK Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FRO Faroe Islands FJI Fiji FIN Finland FRA France GUF French Guiana PYF French Polynesia ATF French Southern Territories GAB Gabon GMB Gambia GEO Georgia DEU Germany GHA Ghana GIB Gibraltar GRC Greece GRL Greenland GRD Grenada GLP Guadeloupe GUM Guam GTM Guatemala GGY Guernsey GIN Guinea GNB Guinea-Bissau GUY Guyana HTI Haiti HMD Heard Island and McDonald Islands VAT Holy See (Vatican City State) HND Honduras HKG Hong Kong HUN Hungary ISL Iceland IND India IDN Indonesia IRN Iran, Islamic Republic of IRQ Iraq IRL Ireland IMN Isle of Man ISR Israel ITA Italy JAM Jamaica JPN Japan JEY Jersey JOR Jordan KAZ Kazakhstan KEN Kenya KIR Kiribati PRK Korea, Democratic People's Republic of KOR Korea, Republic of KWT Kuwait KGZ Kyrgyzstan LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic LVA Latvia LBN Lebanon LSO Lesotho LBR Liberia LBY Libya LIE Liechtenstein LTU Lithuania LUX Luxembourg MAC Macao MKD Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of MDG Madagascar MWI Malawi MYS Malaysia MDV Maldives MLI Mali MLT Malta MHL Marshall Islands MTQ Martinique MRT Mauritania MUS Mauritius MYT Mayotte FSM Micronesia, Federated States of MDA Moldova, Republic of MCO Monaco MNG Mongolia MNE Montenegro MSR Montserrat MAR Morocco MOZ Mozambique MMR Myanmar NAM Namibia NRU Nauru NPL Nepal NLD Netherlands NCL New Caledonia NZL New Zealand NIC Nicaragua NER Niger NGA Nigeria NIU Niue NFK Norfolk Island MNP Northern Mariana Islands NOR Norway OMN Oman PAK Pakistan PLW Palau PSE Palestine, State of PAN Panama PNG Papua New Guinea PRY Paraguay PER Peru PHL Philippines PCN Pitcairn POL Poland PRT Portugal PRI Puerto Rico QAT Qatar REU Reunion ROU Romania RUS Russian Federation RWA Rwanda BLM Saint Barthelemy SHN Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha KNA Saint Kitts and Nevis LCA Saint Lucia MAF Saint Martin (French part) SPM Saint Pierre and Miquelon VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines WSM Samoa SMR San Marino STP Sao Tome and Principe SAU Saudi Arabia SEN Senegal SRB Serbia SYC Seychelles SLE Sierra Leone SGP Singapore SXM Sint Maarten (Dutch part) SVK Slovakia SVN Slovenia SLB Solomon Islands SOM Somalia ZAF South Africa SGS South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands SSD South Sudan ESP Spain LKA Sri Lanka SDN Sudan SUR Suriname SJM Svalbard and Jan Mayen SWZ Swaziland SWE Sweden CHE Switzerland SYR Syrian Arab Republic TWN Taiwan, Province of China TJK Tajikistan TZA Tanzania, United Republic of THA Thailand TLS Timor-Leste TGO Togo TKL Tokelau TON Tonga TTO Trinidad and Tobago TUN Tunisia TUR Turkey TKM Turkmenistan TCA Turks and Caicos Islands TUV Tuvalu UGA Uganda UKR Ukraine ARE United Arab Emirates GBR United Kingdom URY Uruguay UZB Uzbekistan VUT Vanuatu VEN Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of VNM Viet Nam VGB Virgin Islands, British VIR Virgin Islands, U.S. WLF Wallis and Futuna ESH Western Sahara YEM Yemen