------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXAS ETHICS COMMISSION DATA FROM ELECTRONICALLY FILED CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS www.ethics.state.tx.us * 512.463.5800 This zip package contains detailed information from campaign finance reports filed electronically with the Texas Ethics Commission beginning July 1, 2000. Flat File Architecture Record Listing -- Generated 07/19/2023 03:29:41 PM Record Name File Contents File Name(s) ---------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- AssetData Assets - Schedule M assets.csv CandidateData Direct Campaign Expenditure Candidates cand.csv ContributionData Contributions - Schedules A/C contribs_##.csv, cont_ss.csv, cont_t.csv, returns.csv CoverSheet1Data Cover Sheet 1 - Cover sheet information and totals cover.csv, cover_ss.csv, cover_t.csv CoverSheet2Data Cover Sheet 2 - Notices received by candidates/office holders notices.csv CoverSheet3Data Cover Sheet 3 - Committee purpose purpose.csv CreditData Credits - Schedule K credits.csv DebtData Debts - Schedule L debts.csv ExpendData Expenditures - Schedules F/G/H/I expend_##.csv, expn_t.csv ExpendCategory Expenditure category codes expn_catg.csv FilerData Filer index filers.csv FinalData Final reports final.csv LoanData Loans - Schedule E loans.csv PledgeData Pledges - Schedule B pledges.csv, pldg_ss.csv, pldg_t.csv SpacData Index of Specific-purpose committees spacs.csv TravelData Travel outside the State of Texas - Schedule T travel.csv ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 1 Record Name: AssetData Length: 521 Description: Assets - Schedule M - Assets valued at $500 or more for judicial filers only. File: assets.csv # Field Name Type Mask Start Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 1 20 Record type code - always ASSET 2 formTypeCd String 21 20 TEC form used 3 schedFormTypeCd String 41 20 TEC Schedule Used 4 reportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 61 11 Unique report # 5 receivedDt Date yyyyMMdd 72 8 Date report received by TEC 6 infoOnlyFlag String 80 1 Superseded by other report 7 filerIdent String 81 100 Filer account # 8 filerTypeCd String 181 30 Type of filer 9 filerName String 211 200 Filer name 10 assetInfoId Long 00000000000 411 11 Asset unique identifier 11 assetDescr String 422 100 Description of asset ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 2 Record Name: CandidateData Length: 1590 Description: Candidate benefiting from a direct campaign expenditure. A direct campaign expenditure to benefit a candidate is not a political contribution to that candidate. Instead, a direct campaign expenditure is a campaign expenditure made on someone else's behalf and without the prior consent or approval of that person. A given EXPN record can have zero or more related CAND records. Any CAND records are written to the file immediately after their related EXPN record. File: cand.csv # Field Name Type Mask Start Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 1 20 Record type code - always CAND 2 formTypeCd String 21 20 TEC form used 3 schedFormTypeCd String 41 20 TEC Schedule Used 4 reportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 61 11 Unique report # 5 receivedDt Date yyyyMMdd 72 8 Date report received by TEC 6 infoOnlyFlag String 80 1 Superseded by other report 7 filerIdent String 81 100 Filer account # 8 filerTypeCd String 181 30 Type of filer 9 filerName String 211 200 Filer name 10 expendInfoId Long 00000000000 411 11 Expenditure unique identifier 11 expendPersentId Long 00000000000 422 11 Candidate unique identifier 12 expendDt Date yyyyMMdd 433 8 Expenditure date 13 expendAmount BigDecimal 0000000000.00 441 12 Expenditure amount 14 expendDescr String 453 100 Expenditure description 15 expendCatCd String 553 30 Expenditure category code 16 expendCatDescr String 583 100 Expenditure category description 17 itemizeFlag String 683 1 Y indicates that the expenditure is itemized 18 politicalExpendCd String 684 30 Political expenditure indicator 19 reimburseIntendedFlag String 714 1 Reimbursement intended indicator 20 srcCorpContribFlag String 715 1 Expenditure from corporate funds indicator 21 capitalLivingexpFlag String 716 1 Austin living expense indicator 22 candidatePersentTypeCd String 717 30 Type of candidate name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 23 candidateNameOrganization String 747 100 For ENTITY, the candidate organization name 24 candidateNameLast String 847 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the candidate last name 25 candidateNameSuffixCd String 947 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the candidate name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 26 candidateNameFirst String 977 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the candidate first name 27 candidateNamePrefixCd String 1022 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the candidate name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 28 candidateNameShort String 1052 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the candidate short name (nickname) 29 candidateHoldOfficeCd String 1077 30 Candidate office held 30 candidateHoldOfficeDistrict String 1107 11 Candidate office held district 31 candidateHoldOfficePlace String 1118 11 Candidate office held place 32 candidateHoldOfficeDescr String 1129 100 Candidate office held description 33 candidateHoldOfficeCountyCd String 1229 5 Candidate office held country code 34 candidateHoldOfficeCountyDescr String 1234 100 Candidate office help county description 35 candidateSeekOfficeCd String 1334 30 Candidate office sought 36 candidateSeekOfficeDistrict String 1364 11 Candidate office sought district 37 candidateSeekOfficePlace String 1375 11 Candidate office sought place 38 candidateSeekOfficeDescr String 1386 100 Candidate office sought description 39 candidateSeekOfficeCountyCd String 1486 5 Candidate office sought county code 40 candidateSeekOfficeCountyDescr String 1491 100 Candidate office sought county description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 3 Record Name: ContributionData Length: 1426 Description: Contributions - Schedules A/C - Contributions from special session and special pre-election (formerly Telegram) reports are stored in the file cont_ss and cont_t. These records are kept separate from the contribs files to avoid creating duplicates, because they are supposed to be re-reported on the next regular campaign finance report. Files: contribs_##.csv, cont_ss.csv, cont_t.csv # Field Name Type Mask Start Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 1 20 Record type code - always RCPT 2 formTypeCd String 21 20 TEC form used 3 schedFormTypeCd String 41 20 TEC Schedule Used 4 reportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 61 11 Unique report # 5 receivedDt Date yyyyMMdd 72 8 Date report received by TEC 6 infoOnlyFlag String 80 1 Superseded by other report 7 filerIdent String 81 100 Filer account # 8 filerTypeCd String 181 30 Type of filer 9 filerName String 211 200 Filer name 10 contributionInfoId Long 00000000000 411 11 Contribution unique identifier 11 contributionDt Date yyyyMMdd 422 8 Contribution date 12 contributionAmount BigDecimal 0000000000.00 430 12 Contribution amount 13 contributionDescr String 442 100 Contribution description 14 itemizeFlag String 542 1 Y indicates that the contribution is itemized 15 travelFlag String 543 1 Y indicates that the contribution has associated travel 16 contributorPersentTypeCd String 544 30 Type of contributor name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 17 contributorNameOrganization String 574 100 For ENTITY, the contributor organization name 18 contributorNameLast String 674 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the contributor last name 19 contributorNameSuffixCd String 774 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the contributor name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 20 contributorNameFirst String 804 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the contributor first name 21 contributorNamePrefixCd String 849 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the contributor name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 22 contributorNameShort String 879 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the contributor short name (nickname) 23 contributorStreetCity String 904 30 Contributor street address - city 24 contributorStreetStateCd String 934 2 Contributor street address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 25 contributorStreetCountyCd String 936 5 Contributor street address - Texas county 26 contributorStreetCountryCd String 941 3 Contributor street address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 27 contributorStreetPostalCode String 944 20 Contributor street address - postal code - for USA addresses only 28 contributorStreetRegion String 964 30 Contributor street address - region for country other than USA 29 contributorEmployer String 994 60 Contributor employer 30 contributorOccupation String 1054 60 Contributor occupation 31 contributorJobTitle String 1114 60 Contributor job title 32 contributorPacFein String 1174 12 FEC ID of out-of-state PAC contributor 33 contributorOosPacFlag String 1186 1 Indicates if contributor is an out-of-state PAC 34 contributorLawFirmName String 1187 60 Contributor law firm name 35 contributorSpouseLawFirmName String 1247 60 Contributor spouse law firm name 36 contributorParent1LawFirmName String 1307 60 Contributor parent #1 law firm name 37 contributorParent2LawFirmName String 1367 60 Contributor parent #2 law firm name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 4 Record Name: CoverSheet1Data Length: 4001 Description: Cover Sheet 1 - Cover sheet information and totals. cover_ss and cover_t contain cover sheet information for special session reports and special pre-election (formerly Telegram) Reports. Cover sheets for these reports do not contain totals. Files: cover.csv, cover_ss.csv, cover_t.csv # Field Name Type Mask Start Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 1 20 Record type code - always CVR1 2 formTypeCd String 21 20 TEC form used 3 reportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 41 11 Unique report # 4 receivedDt Date yyyyMMdd 52 8 Date report received by TEC 5 infoOnlyFlag String 60 1 Superseded by other report 6 filerIdent String 61 100 Filer account # 7 filerTypeCd String 161 30 Type of filer 8 filerName String 191 200 Filer name Array 300 reportTypeCd[10] String 30 Report types covered (maximum 10) 9 reportTypeCd String 391 30 Report type covered 10 sourceCategoryCd String 691 30 Source of report (ELECTRONIC, KEYED) 11 dueDt Date yyyyMMdd 721 8 Report due date 12 filedDt Date yyyyMMdd 729 8 Date report was filed (postmark) 13 periodStartDt Date yyyyMMdd 737 8 Beginning of period covered 14 periodEndDt Date yyyyMMdd 745 8 Ending of period covered 15 unitemizedContribAmount BigDecimal 0000000000.00 753 12 Total unitemized political contribs 16 totalContribAmount BigDecimal 0000000000.00 765 12 Total political contribs 17 unitemizedExpendAmount BigDecimal 0000000000.00 777 12 Total unitemized political expend below threshold 18 totalExpendAmount BigDecimal 0000000000.00 789 12 Total political expend 19 loanBalanceAmount BigDecimal 0000000000.00 801 12 Total principal amount of all outstanding loans as of the last day of the reporting period 20 contribsMaintainedAmount BigDecimal 0000000000.00 813 12 Total contributions maintained as of the last day of the reporting period 21 unitemizedPledgeAmount BigDecimal 0000000000.00 825 12 Total unitemized pledges 22 unitemizedLoanAmount BigDecimal 0000000000.00 837 12 Total unitemized loans 23 totalInterestEarnedAmount BigDecimal 0000000000.00 849 12 Total amount of interest and other income earned on unexpended political contributions during the previous year 24 electionDt Date yyyyMMdd 861 8 Election date 25 electionTypeCd String 869 30 Election type (PRIMARY, GENERAL, etc) 26 electionTypeDescr String 899 100 Election type description (electionTypeCd=OTHER) 27 noActivityFlag String 999 1 No activity indicator 28 politicalPartyCd String 1000 30 Political party (DEM, REP, LIB, etc) 29 politicalDivisionCd String 1030 30 Political division (STATE, COUNTY, etc) 30 politicalPartyOtherDescr String 1060 100 Political party description (politicalPartyCd=OTHER) 31 politicalPartyCountyCd String 1160 30 Political party county 32 timelyCorrectionFlag String 1190 1 Correction aff timely indicator 33 semiannualCheckboxFlag String 1191 1 Correction aff semiannual indicator 34 highContribThreshholdCd String 1192 30 High itemization threshold indicator 35 softwareRelease String 1222 20 Software release (version) 36 internetVisibleFlag String 1242 1 Internet visible indicator 37 signerPrintedName String 1243 100 Document signer name 38 addrChangeFilerFlag String 1343 1 Filer address change indicator 39 addrChangeTreasFlag String 1344 1 Treasurer address change indicator 40 addrChangeChairFlag String 1345 1 Chair address change indicator 41 filerPersentTypeCd String 1346 30 Type of filer name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 42 filerNameOrganization String 1376 100 For ENTITY, the filer organization name 43 filerNameLast String 1476 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the filer last name 44 filerNameSuffixCd String 1576 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the filer name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 45 filerNameFirst String 1606 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the filer first name 46 filerNamePrefixCd String 1651 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the filer name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 47 filerNameShort String 1681 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the filer short name (nickname) 48 filerStreetAddr1 String 1706 55 Filer street address - line 1 49 filerStreetAddr2 String 1761 55 Filer street address - line 2 50 filerStreetCity String 1816 30 Filer street address - city 51 filerStreetStateCd String 1846 2 Filer street address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 52 filerStreetCountyCd String 1848 5 Filer street address - Texas county 53 filerStreetCountryCd String 1853 3 Filer street address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 54 filerStreetPostalCode String 1856 20 Filer street address - postal code - for USA addresses only 55 filerStreetRegion String 1876 30 Filer street address - region for country other than USA 56 filerHoldOfficeCd String 1906 30 Filer office held 57 filerHoldOfficeDistrict String 1936 11 Filer office held district 58 filerHoldOfficePlace String 1947 11 Filer office held place 59 filerHoldOfficeDescr String 1958 100 Filer office held description 60 filerHoldOfficeCountyCd String 2058 5 Filer office held country code 61 filerHoldOfficeCountyDescr String 2063 100 Filer office help county description 62 filerSeekOfficeCd String 2163 30 Filer office sought 63 filerSeekOfficeDistrict String 2193 11 Filer office sought district 64 filerSeekOfficePlace String 2204 11 Filer office sought place 65 filerSeekOfficeDescr String 2215 100 Filer office sought description 66 filerSeekOfficeCountyCd String 2315 5 Filer office sought county code 67 filerSeekOfficeCountyDescr String 2320 100 Filer office sought county description 68 treasPersentTypeCd String 2420 30 Type of treasurer name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 69 treasNameOrganization String 2450 100 For ENTITY, the treasurer organization name 70 treasNameLast String 2550 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the treasurer last name 71 treasNameSuffixCd String 2650 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the treasurer name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 72 treasNameFirst String 2680 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the treasurer first name 73 treasNamePrefixCd String 2725 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the treasurer name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 74 treasNameShort String 2755 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the treasurer short name (nickname) 75 treasStreetAddr1 String 2780 55 Treasurer street address - line 1 76 treasStreetAddr2 String 2835 55 Treasurer street address - line 2 77 treasStreetCity String 2890 30 Treasurer street address - city 78 treasStreetStateCd String 2920 2 Treasurer street address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 79 treasStreetCountyCd String 2922 5 Treasurer street address - Texas county 80 treasStreetCountryCd String 2927 3 Treasurer street address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 81 treasStreetPostalCode String 2930 20 Treasurer street address - postal code - for USA addresses only 82 treasStreetRegion String 2950 30 Treasurer street address - region for country other than USA 83 treasMailingAddr1 String 2980 55 Treasurer mailing address - line 1 84 treasMailingAddr2 String 3035 55 Treasurer mailing address - line 2 85 treasMailingCity String 3090 30 Treasurer mailing address - city 86 treasMailingStateCd String 3120 2 Treasurer mailing address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 87 treasMailingCountyCd String 3122 5 Treasurer mailing address - Texas county 88 treasMailingCountryCd String 3127 3 Treasurer mailing address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 89 treasMailingPostalCode String 3130 20 Treasurer mailing address - postal code - USA addresses only 90 treasMailingRegion String 3150 30 Treasurer mailing address - region for country other than USA 91 treasPrimaryUsaPhoneFlag String 3180 1 Treasurer primary phone number - Y if number is a USA phone, N otherwise 92 treasPrimaryPhoneNumber String 3181 20 Treasurer primary phone number 93 treasPrimaryPhoneExt String 3201 10 Treasurer primary phone extension 94 chairPersentTypeCd String 3211 30 Type of chair name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 95 chairNameOrganization String 3241 100 For ENTITY, the chair organization name 96 chairNameLast String 3341 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the chair last name 97 chairNameSuffixCd String 3441 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the chair name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 98 chairNameFirst String 3471 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the chair first name 99 chairNamePrefixCd String 3516 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the chair name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 100 chairNameShort String 3546 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the chair short name (nickname) 101 chairStreetAddr1 String 3571 55 Chair street address - line 1 102 chairStreetAddr2 String 3626 55 Chair street address - line 2 103 chairStreetCity String 3681 30 Chair street address - city 104 chairStreetStateCd String 3711 2 Chair street address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 105 chairStreetCountyCd String 3713 5 Chair street address - Texas county 106 chairStreetCountryCd String 3718 3 Chair street address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 107 chairStreetPostalCode String 3721 20 Chair street address - postal code - for USA addresses only 108 chairStreetRegion String 3741 30 Chair street address - region for country other than USA 109 chairMailingAddr1 String 3771 55 Chair mailing address - line 1 110 chairMailingAddr2 String 3826 55 Chair mailing address - line 2 111 chairMailingCity String 3881 30 Chair mailing address - city 112 chairMailingStateCd String 3911 2 Chair mailing address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 113 chairMailingCountyCd String 3913 5 Chair mailing address - Texas county 114 chairMailingCountryCd String 3918 3 Chair mailing address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 115 chairMailingPostalCode String 3921 20 Chair mailing address - postal code - USA addresses only 116 chairMailingRegion String 3941 30 Chair mailing address - region for country other than USA 117 chairPrimaryUsaPhoneFlag String 3971 1 Chair primary phone number - Y if number is a USA phone, N otherwise 118 chairPrimaryPhoneNumber String 3972 20 Chair primary phone number 119 chairPrimaryPhoneExt String 3992 10 Chair primary phone extension ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 5 Record Name: CoverSheet2Data Length: 1551 Description: Cover Sheet 2 - Notices received by candidates/office holders. These notices are reported at the bottom of Cover Sheet Page 1 and the top of Cover Sheet Page 2 for FORMNAME = COH, COHFR, CORCOH, JCOH, SCCOH, SCSPAC. File: notices.csv # Field Name Type Mask Start Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 1 20 Record type code - always CVR2 2 formTypeCd String 21 20 TEC form used 3 reportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 41 11 Unique report # 4 receivedDt Date yyyyMMdd 52 8 Date report received by TEC 5 infoOnlyFlag String 60 1 Superseded by other report 6 filerIdent String 61 100 Filer account # 7 filerTypeCd String 161 30 Type of filer 8 filerName String 191 200 Filer name 9 committeeActivityId Long 00000000000 391 11 Contribution unique identifier 10 notifierCommactPersentKindCd String 402 30 Committee activity person/entity kind 11 notifierPersentTypeCd String 432 30 Type of notifier name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 12 notifierNameOrganization String 462 100 For ENTITY, the notifier organization name 13 notifierNameLast String 562 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the notifier last name 14 notifierNameSuffixCd String 662 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the notifier name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 15 notifierNameFirst String 692 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the notifier first name 16 notifierNamePrefixCd String 737 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the notifier name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 17 notifierNameShort String 767 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the notifier short name (nickname) 18 notifierStreetAddr1 String 792 55 Notifier street address - line 1 19 notifierStreetAddr2 String 847 55 Notifier street address - line 2 20 notifierStreetCity String 902 30 Notifier street address - city 21 notifierStreetStateCd String 932 2 Notifier street address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 22 notifierStreetCountyCd String 934 5 Notifier street address - Texas county 23 notifierStreetCountryCd String 939 3 Notifier street address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 24 notifierStreetPostalCode String 942 20 Notifier street address - postal code - for USA addresses only 25 notifierStreetRegion String 962 30 Notifier street address - region for country other than USA 26 treasPersentTypeCd String 992 30 Type of treasurer name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 27 treasNameOrganization String 1022 100 For ENTITY, the treasurer organization name 28 treasNameLast String 1122 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the treasurer last name 29 treasNameSuffixCd String 1222 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the treasurer name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 30 treasNameFirst String 1252 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the treasurer first name 31 treasNamePrefixCd String 1297 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the treasurer name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 32 treasNameShort String 1327 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the treasurer short name (nickname) 33 treasStreetAddr1 String 1352 55 Treasurer street address - line 1 34 treasStreetAddr2 String 1407 55 Treasurer street address - line 2 35 treasStreetCity String 1462 30 Treasurer street address - city 36 treasStreetStateCd String 1492 2 Treasurer street address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 37 treasStreetCountyCd String 1494 5 Treasurer street address - Texas county 38 treasStreetCountryCd String 1499 3 Treasurer street address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 39 treasStreetPostalCode String 1502 20 Treasurer street address - postal code - for USA addresses only 40 treasStreetRegion String 1522 30 Treasurer street address - region for country other than USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 6 Record Name: CoverSheet3Data Length: 1093 Description: Cover Sheet 3 - Committee purpose. The committee purpose is reported at the top of Cover Sheet Page 2 FORMNAME = CEC, GPAC, JSPAC, MCEC, MPAC, SCSPAC, SPAC, SPACSS. File: purpose.csv # Field Name Type Mask Start Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 1 20 Record type code - always CVR3 2 formTypeCd String 21 20 TEC form used 3 reportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 41 11 Unique report # 4 receivedDt Date yyyyMMdd 52 8 Date report received by TEC 5 infoOnlyFlag String 60 1 Superseded by other report 6 filerIdent String 61 100 Filer account # 7 filerTypeCd String 161 30 Type of filer 8 filerName String 191 200 Filer name 9 committeeActivityId Long 00000000000 391 11 Committee activity unique identifier 10 subjectCategoryCd String 402 30 Subject Category () 11 subjectPositionCd String 432 30 Subject Position (SUPPORT, OPPOSE, ASSIST) 12 subjectDescr String 462 100 Subject description 13 subjectBallotNumber String 562 10 Ballot number 14 subjectElectionDt Date yyyyMMdd 572 8 Election date 15 activityHoldOfficeCd String 580 30 Activity office held 16 activityHoldOfficeDistrict String 610 11 Activity office held district 17 activityHoldOfficePlace String 621 11 Activity office held place 18 activityHoldOfficeDescr String 632 100 Activity office held description 19 activityHoldOfficeCountyCd String 732 5 Activity office held country code 20 activityHoldOfficeCountyDescr String 737 100 Activity office help county description 21 activitySeekOfficeCd String 837 30 Activity office sought 22 activitySeekOfficeDistrict String 867 11 Activity office sought district 23 activitySeekOfficePlace String 878 11 Activity office sought place 24 activitySeekOfficeDescr String 889 100 Activity office sought description 25 activitySeekOfficeCountyCd String 989 5 Activity office sought county code 26 activitySeekOfficeCountyDescr String 994 100 Activity office sought county description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 7 Record Name: CreditData Length: 1101 Description: Credits - Schedule K - Interest, credits, gains, refunds, and contributions returned to filer. File: credits.csv # Field Name Type Mask Start Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 1 20 Record type code - always CRED 2 formTypeCd String 21 20 TEC form used 3 schedFormTypeCd String 41 20 TEC Schedule Used 4 reportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 61 11 Unique report # 5 receivedDt Date yyyyMMdd 72 8 Date report received by TEC 6 infoOnlyFlag String 80 1 Superseded by other report 7 filerIdent String 81 100 Filer account # 8 filerTypeCd String 181 30 Type of filer 9 filerName String 211 200 Filer name 10 creditInfoId Long 00000000000 411 11 Credit unique identifier 11 creditDt Date yyyyMMdd 422 8 Credit date 12 creditAmount BigDecimal 0000000000.00 430 12 Credit amount 13 creditDescr String 442 100 Credit description 14 payorPersentTypeCd String 542 30 Type of payor name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 15 payorNameOrganization String 572 100 For ENTITY, the payor organization name 16 payorNameLast String 672 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the payor last name 17 payorNameSuffixCd String 772 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the payor name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 18 payorNameFirst String 802 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the payor first name 19 payorNamePrefixCd String 847 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the payor name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 20 payorNameShort String 877 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the payor short name (nickname) 21 payorStreetAddr1 String 902 55 Payor street address - line 1 22 payorStreetAddr2 String 957 55 Payor street address - line 2 23 payorStreetCity String 1012 30 Payor street address - city 24 payorStreetStateCd String 1042 2 Payor street address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 25 payorStreetCountyCd String 1044 5 Payor street address - Texas county 26 payorStreetCountryCd String 1049 3 Payor street address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 27 payorStreetPostalCode String 1052 20 Payor street address - postal code - for USA addresses only 28 payorStreetRegion String 1072 30 Payor street address - region for country other than USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 8 Record Name: DebtData Length: 3122 Description: Debts - Schedule L - Outstanding judicial loans. File: debts.csv # Field Name Type Mask Start Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 1 20 Record type code - always DEBT 2 formTypeCd String 21 20 TEC form used 3 schedFormTypeCd String 41 20 TEC Schedule Used 4 reportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 61 11 Unique report # 5 receivedDt Date yyyyMMdd 72 8 Date report received by TEC 6 infoOnlyFlag String 80 1 Superseded by other report 7 filerIdent String 81 100 Filer account # 8 filerTypeCd String 181 30 Type of filer 9 filerName String 211 200 Filer name 10 loanInfoId Long 00000000000 411 11 Loan unique identifier 11 loanGuaranteedFlag String 422 1 Loan guaranteed indicator 12 lenderPersentTypeCd String 423 30 Type of lender name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 13 lenderNameOrganization String 453 100 For ENTITY, the lender organization name 14 lenderNameLast String 553 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the lender last name 15 lenderNameSuffixCd String 653 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the lender name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 16 lenderNameFirst String 683 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the lender first name 17 lenderNamePrefixCd String 728 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the lender name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 18 lenderNameShort String 758 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the lender short name (nickname) 19 lenderStreetCity String 783 30 Lender street address - city 20 lenderStreetStateCd String 813 2 Lender street address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 21 lenderStreetCountyCd String 815 5 Lender street address - Texas county 22 lenderStreetCountryCd String 820 3 Lender street address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 23 lenderStreetPostalCode String 823 20 Lender street address - postal code - for USA addresses only 24 lenderStreetRegion String 843 30 Lender street address - region for country other than USA Array 2250 debtGuarantorLoanPersent[5/ROW_MAJOR] CsvPublicExportDebtGuarantorLoanPersent 450 Loan guarantors (maxiumum 5) 25 guarantorPersentTypeCd String 873 30 Type of guarantor name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 26 guarantorNameOrganization String 903 100 For ENTITY, the guarantor organization name 27 guarantorNameLast String 1003 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the guarantor last name 28 guarantorNameSuffixCd String 1103 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the guarantor name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 29 guarantorNameFirst String 1133 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the guarantor first name 30 guarantorNamePrefixCd String 1178 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the guarantor name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 31 guarantorNameShort String 1208 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the guarantor short name (nickname) 32 guarantorStreetCity String 1233 30 Guarantor street address - city 33 guarantorStreetStateCd String 1263 2 Guarantor street address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 34 guarantorStreetCountyCd String 1265 5 Guarantor street address - Texas county 35 guarantorStreetCountryCd String 1270 3 Guarantor street address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 36 guarantorStreetPostalCode String 1273 20 Guarantor street address - postal code - for USA addresses only 37 guarantorStreetRegion String 1293 30 Guarantor street address - region for country other than USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 9 Record Name: ExpendData Length: 1374 Description: Expenditures - Schedules F/G/H/I - Expenditures from special pre-election (formerly Telegram) reports are stored in the file expn_t. They are kept separate from the expends file to avoid creating duplicates, because they are supposed to be re-reported on the next regular campaign finance report. Files: expend_##.csv, expn_t.csv # Field Name Type Mask Start Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 1 20 Record type code - always EXPN 2 formTypeCd String 21 20 TEC form used 3 schedFormTypeCd String 41 20 TEC Schedule Used 4 reportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 61 11 Unique report # 5 receivedDt Date yyyyMMdd 72 8 Date report received by TEC 6 infoOnlyFlag String 80 1 Superseded by other report 7 filerIdent String 81 100 Filer account # 8 filerTypeCd String 181 30 Type of filer 9 filerName String 211 200 Filer name 10 expendInfoId Long 00000000000 411 11 Expenditure unique identifier 11 expendDt Date yyyyMMdd 422 8 Expenditure date 12 expendAmount BigDecimal 0000000000.00 430 12 Expenditure amount 13 expendDescr String 442 100 Expenditure description 14 expendCatCd String 542 30 Expenditure category code 15 expendCatDescr String 572 100 Expenditure category description 16 itemizeFlag String 672 1 Y indicates that the expenditure is itemized 17 travelFlag String 673 1 Y indicates that the expenditure has associated travel 18 politicalExpendCd String 674 30 Political expenditure indicator 19 reimburseIntendedFlag String 704 1 Reimbursement intended indicator 20 srcCorpContribFlag String 705 1 Expenditure from corporate funds indicator 21 capitalLivingexpFlag String 706 1 Austin living expense indicator 22 payeePersentTypeCd String 707 30 Type of payee name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 23 payeeNameOrganization String 737 100 For ENTITY, the payee organization name 24 payeeNameLast String 837 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the payee last name 25 payeeNameSuffixCd String 937 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the payee name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 26 payeeNameFirst String 967 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the payee first name 27 payeeNamePrefixCd String 1012 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the payee name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 28 payeeNameShort String 1042 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the payee short name (nickname) 29 payeeStreetAddr1 String 1067 55 Payee street address - line 1 30 payeeStreetAddr2 String 1122 55 Payee street address - line 2 31 payeeStreetCity String 1177 30 Payee street address - city 32 payeeStreetStateCd String 1207 2 Payee street address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 33 payeeStreetCountyCd String 1209 5 Payee street address - Texas county 34 payeeStreetCountryCd String 1214 3 Payee street address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 35 payeeStreetPostalCode String 1217 20 Payee street address - postal code - for USA addresses only 36 payeeStreetRegion String 1237 30 Payee street address - region for country other than USA 37 creditCardIssuer String 1267 100 Financial institution issuing credit card 38 repaymentDt Date yyyyMMdd 1367 8 Repayment date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 10 Record Name: ExpendRepayment Length: 440 Description: Expenditures Repayment dates # Field Name Type Mask Start Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 1 20 Record type code - always EXPN 2 formTypeCd String 21 20 TEC form used 3 schedFormTypeCd String 41 20 TEC Schedule Used 4 reportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 61 11 Unique report # 5 receivedDt Date yyyyMMdd 72 8 Date report received by TEC 6 infoOnlyFlag String 80 1 Superseded by other report 7 filerIdent String 81 100 Filer account # 8 filerTypeCd String 181 30 Type of filer 9 filerName String 211 200 Filer name 10 expendInfoId Long 00000000000 411 11 Expenditure unique identifier 11 expendRepaymentId Long 00000000000 422 11 Expenditure Repayment unique identifier 12 repaymentDt Date yyyyMMdd 433 8 Repayment date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 11 Record Name: ExpendCategory Length: 150 Description: Expenditure category codes. File: expn_catg.csv # Field Name Type Mask Start Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 1 20 Record type code - always EXCAT 2 expendCategoryCodeValue String 21 30 Expenditure category code 3 expendCategoryCodeLabel String 51 100 Expenditure category description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 12 Record Name: FilerData Length: 4529 Description: Filer index. The names, addresses and offices in this file are entered by TEC staff from various sources; e.g., amended campaign treasurer appointments, change-of-address notices, and ballot information from the Texas Secretary of State. File: filers.csv # Field Name Type Mask Start Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 1 20 Record type code - always FILER 2 filerIdent String 21 100 Filer account # 3 filerTypeCd String 121 30 Type of filer 4 filerName String 151 200 Filer name 5 unexpendContribFilerFlag String 351 1 Unexpended contributions indicator 6 modifiedElectCycleFlag String 352 1 Modified for election cycle indicator 7 filerJdiCd String 353 30 Judicial declaration of intent code 8 committeeStatusCd String 383 30 PAC filing status code 9 ctaSeekOfficeCd String 413 30 CTA office sought 10 ctaSeekOfficeDistrict String 443 11 CTA office sought district 11 ctaSeekOfficePlace String 454 11 CTA office sought place 12 ctaSeekOfficeDescr String 465 100 CTA office sought description 13 ctaSeekOfficeCountyCd String 565 5 CTA office sought county code 14 ctaSeekOfficeCountyDescr String 570 100 CTA office sought county description 15 filerPersentTypeCd String 670 30 Type of filer name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 16 filerNameOrganization String 700 100 For ENTITY, the filer organization name 17 filerNameLast String 800 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the filer last name 18 filerNameSuffixCd String 900 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the filer name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 19 filerNameFirst String 930 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the filer first name 20 filerNamePrefixCd String 975 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the filer name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 21 filerNameShort String 1005 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the filer short name (nickname) 22 filerStreetAddr1 String 1030 55 Filer street address - line 1 23 filerStreetAddr2 String 1085 55 Filer street address - line 2 24 filerStreetCity String 1140 30 Filer street address - city 25 filerStreetStateCd String 1170 2 Filer street address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 26 filerStreetCountyCd String 1172 5 Filer street address - Texas county 27 filerStreetCountryCd String 1177 3 Filer street address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 28 filerStreetPostalCode String 1180 20 Filer street address - postal code - for USA addresses only 29 filerStreetRegion String 1200 30 Filer street address - region for country other than USA 30 filerMailingAddr1 String 1230 55 Filer mailing address - line 1 31 filerMailingAddr2 String 1285 55 Filer mailing address - line 2 32 filerMailingCity String 1340 30 Filer mailing address - city 33 filerMailingStateCd String 1370 2 Filer mailing address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 34 filerMailingCountyCd String 1372 5 Filer mailing address - Texas county 35 filerMailingCountryCd String 1377 3 Filer mailing address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 36 filerMailingPostalCode String 1380 20 Filer mailing address - postal code - USA addresses only 37 filerMailingRegion String 1400 30 Filer mailing address - region for country other than USA 38 filerPrimaryUsaPhoneFlag String 1430 1 Filer primary phone number - Y if number is a USA phone, N otherwise 39 filerPrimaryPhoneNumber String 1431 20 Filer primary phone number 40 filerPrimaryPhoneExt String 1451 10 Filer primary phone extension 41 filerHoldOfficeCd String 1461 30 Filer office held 42 filerHoldOfficeDistrict String 1491 11 Filer office held district 43 filerHoldOfficePlace String 1502 11 Filer office held place 44 filerHoldOfficeDescr String 1513 100 Filer office held description 45 filerHoldOfficeCountyCd String 1613 5 Filer office held country code 46 filerHoldOfficeCountyDescr String 1618 100 Filer office help county description 47 filerFilerpersStatusCd String 1718 30 Filer status (CURRENT, etc) 48 filerEffStartDt Date yyyyMMdd 1748 8 Filer start date 49 filerEffStopDt Date yyyyMMdd 1756 8 Filer end date 50 contestSeekOfficeCd String 1764 30 Filer office sought 51 contestSeekOfficeDistrict String 1794 11 Filer office sought district 52 contestSeekOfficePlace String 1805 11 Filer office sought place 53 contestSeekOfficeDescr String 1816 100 Filer office sought description 54 contestSeekOfficeCountyCd String 1916 5 Filer office sought county code 55 contestSeekOfficeCountyDescr String 1921 100 Filer office sought county description 56 treasPersentTypeCd String 2021 30 Type of treasurer name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 57 treasNameOrganization String 2051 100 For ENTITY, the treasurer organization name 58 treasNameLast String 2151 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the treasurer last name 59 treasNameSuffixCd String 2251 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the treasurer name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 60 treasNameFirst String 2281 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the treasurer first name 61 treasNamePrefixCd String 2326 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the treasurer name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 62 treasNameShort String 2356 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the treasurer short name (nickname) 63 treasStreetAddr1 String 2381 55 Treasurer street address - line 1 64 treasStreetAddr2 String 2436 55 Treasurer street address - line 2 65 treasStreetCity String 2491 30 Treasurer street address - city 66 treasStreetStateCd String 2521 2 Treasurer street address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 67 treasStreetCountyCd String 2523 5 Treasurer street address - Texas county 68 treasStreetCountryCd String 2528 3 Treasurer street address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 69 treasStreetPostalCode String 2531 20 Treasurer street address - postal code - for USA addresses only 70 treasStreetRegion String 2551 30 Treasurer street address - region for country other than USA 71 treasMailingAddr1 String 2581 55 Treasurer mailing address - line 1 72 treasMailingAddr2 String 2636 55 Treasurer mailing address - line 2 73 treasMailingCity String 2691 30 Treasurer mailing address - city 74 treasMailingStateCd String 2721 2 Treasurer mailing address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 75 treasMailingCountyCd String 2723 5 Treasurer mailing address - Texas county 76 treasMailingCountryCd String 2728 3 Treasurer mailing address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 77 treasMailingPostalCode String 2731 20 Treasurer mailing address - postal code - USA addresses only 78 treasMailingRegion String 2751 30 Treasurer mailing address - region for country other than USA 79 treasPrimaryUsaPhoneFlag String 2781 1 Treasurer primary phone number - Y if number is a USA phone, N otherwise 80 treasPrimaryPhoneNumber String 2782 20 Treasurer primary phone number 81 treasPrimaryPhoneExt String 2802 10 Treasurer primary phone extension 82 treasAppointorNameLast String 2812 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the treasurer last name 83 treasAppointorNameFirst String 2912 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the treasurer first name 84 treasFilerpersStatusCd String 2957 30 Treasurer status (CURRENT, etc) 85 treasEffStartDt Date yyyyMMdd 2987 8 Treasurer start date 86 treasEffStopDt Date yyyyMMdd 2995 8 Treasurer end date 87 assttreasPersentTypeCd String 3003 30 Type of asst treasurer name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 88 assttreasNameOrganization String 3033 100 For ENTITY, the asst treasurer organization name 89 assttreasNameLast String 3133 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the asst treasurer last name 90 assttreasNameSuffixCd String 3233 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the asst treasurer name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 91 assttreasNameFirst String 3263 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the asst treasurer first name 92 assttreasNamePrefixCd String 3308 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the asst treasurer name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 93 assttreasNameShort String 3338 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the asst treasurer short name (nickname) 94 assttreasStreetAddr1 String 3363 55 Asst treasurer street address - line 1 95 assttreasStreetAddr2 String 3418 55 Asst treasurer street address - line 2 96 assttreasStreetCity String 3473 30 Asst treasurer street address - city 97 assttreasStreetStateCd String 3503 2 Asst treasurer street address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 98 assttreasStreetCountyCd String 3505 5 Asst treasurer street address - Texas county 99 assttreasStreetCountryCd String 3510 3 Asst treasurer street address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 100 assttreasStreetPostalCode String 3513 20 Asst treasurer street address - postal code - for USA addresses only 101 assttreasStreetRegion String 3533 30 Asst treasurer street address - region for country other than USA 102 assttreasPrimaryUsaPhoneFlag String 3563 1 Asst treasurer primary phone number - Y if number is a USA phone, N otherwise 103 assttreasPrimaryPhoneNumber String 3564 20 Asst treasurer primary phone number 104 assttreasPrimaryPhoneExt String 3584 10 Asst treasurer primary phone extension 105 assttreasAppointorNameLast String 3594 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the asst treasurer last name 106 assttreasAppointorNameFirst String 3694 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the asst treasurer first name 107 chairPersentTypeCd String 3739 30 Type of chair name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 108 chairNameOrganization String 3769 100 For ENTITY, the chair organization name 109 chairNameLast String 3869 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the chair last name 110 chairNameSuffixCd String 3969 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the chair name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 111 chairNameFirst String 3999 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the chair first name 112 chairNamePrefixCd String 4044 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the chair name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 113 chairNameShort String 4074 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the chair short name (nickname) 114 chairStreetAddr1 String 4099 55 Chair street address - line 1 115 chairStreetAddr2 String 4154 55 Chair street address - line 2 116 chairStreetCity String 4209 30 Chair street address - city 117 chairStreetStateCd String 4239 2 Chair street address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 118 chairStreetCountyCd String 4241 5 Chair street address - Texas county 119 chairStreetCountryCd String 4246 3 Chair street address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 120 chairStreetPostalCode String 4249 20 Chair street address - postal code - for USA addresses only 121 chairStreetRegion String 4269 30 Chair street address - region for country other than USA 122 chairMailingAddr1 String 4299 55 Chair mailing address - line 1 123 chairMailingAddr2 String 4354 55 Chair mailing address - line 2 124 chairMailingCity String 4409 30 Chair mailing address - city 125 chairMailingStateCd String 4439 2 Chair mailing address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 126 chairMailingCountyCd String 4441 5 Chair mailing address - Texas county 127 chairMailingCountryCd String 4446 3 Chair mailing address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 128 chairMailingPostalCode String 4449 20 Chair mailing address - postal code - USA addresses only 129 chairMailingRegion String 4469 30 Chair mailing address - region for country other than USA 130 chairPrimaryUsaPhoneFlag String 4499 1 Chair primary phone number - Y if number is a USA phone, N otherwise 131 chairPrimaryPhoneNumber String 4500 20 Chair primary phone number 132 chairPrimaryPhoneExt String 4520 10 Chair primary phone extension ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 13 Record Name: FinalData Length: 393 Description: Final reports. File: final.csv # Field Name Type Mask Start Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 1 20 Record type code - always FINL 2 formTypeCd String 21 20 TEC form used 3 reportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 41 11 Unique report # 4 receivedDt Date yyyyMMdd 52 8 Date report received by TEC 5 infoOnlyFlag String 60 1 Superseded by other report 6 filerIdent String 61 100 Filer account # 7 filerTypeCd String 161 30 Type of filer 8 filerName String 191 200 Filer name 9 finalUnexpendContribFlag String 391 1 Unexpended contributions indicator 10 finalRetainedAssetsFlag String 392 1 Retained assets indicator 11 finalOfficeholderAckFlag String 393 1 Office holder ack indicator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 14 Record Name: LoanData Length: 6055 Description: Loans - Schedule E. File: loans.csv # Field Name Type Mask Start Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 1 20 Record type code - always LOAN 2 formTypeCd String 21 20 TEC form used 3 schedFormTypeCd String 41 20 TEC Schedule Used 4 reportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 61 11 Unique report # 5 receivedDt Date yyyyMMdd 72 8 Date report received by TEC 6 infoOnlyFlag String 80 1 Superseded by other report 7 filerIdent String 81 100 Filer account # 8 filerTypeCd String 181 30 Type of filer 9 filerName String 211 200 Filer name 10 loanInfoId Long 00000000000 411 11 Loan unique identifier 11 loanDt Date yyyyMMdd 422 8 Loan date 12 loanAmount BigDecimal 0000000000.00 430 12 Loan amount 13 loanDescr String 442 100 Loan description 14 interestRate String 542 15 Interest rate 15 maturityDt Date yyyyMMdd 557 8 Loan maturity date 16 collateralFlag String 565 1 Collateral indicator 17 collateralDescr String 566 100 Collateral description 18 loanStatusCd String 666 30 Loan status (1STRPT, RPTUNPAID, RPTPAID) 19 paymentMadeFlag String 696 1 Payment made indicator 20 paymentAmount BigDecimal 0000000000.00 697 12 Payment amount 21 paymentSource String 709 100 Source of payment 22 loanGuaranteedFlag String 809 1 Loan guaranteed indicator 23 financialInstitutionFlag String 810 1 Financial institution indicator 24 loanGuaranteeAmount BigDecimal 0000000000.00 811 12 Loan guarantee amount 25 lenderPersentTypeCd String 823 30 Type of lender name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 26 lenderNameOrganization String 853 100 For ENTITY, the lender organization name 27 lenderNameLast String 953 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the lender last name 28 lenderNameSuffixCd String 1053 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the lender name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 29 lenderNameFirst String 1083 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the lender first name 30 lenderNamePrefixCd String 1128 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the lender name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 31 lenderNameShort String 1158 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the lender short name (nickname) 32 lenderStreetCity String 1183 30 Lender street address - city 33 lenderStreetStateCd String 1213 2 Lender street address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 34 lenderStreetCountyCd String 1215 5 Lender street address - Texas county 35 lenderStreetCountryCd String 1220 3 Lender street address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 36 lenderStreetPostalCode String 1223 20 Lender street address - postal code - for USA addresses only 37 lenderStreetRegion String 1243 30 Lender street address - region for country other than USA 38 lenderEmployer String 1273 60 Lender employer 39 lenderOccupation String 1333 60 Lender occupation 40 lenderJobTitle String 1393 60 Lender job title 41 lenderPacFein String 1453 12 FEC ID of out-of-state PAC lender 42 lenderOosPacFlag String 1465 1 Indicates if lender is an out-of-state PAC 43 lenderLawFirmName String 1466 60 Lender law firm name 44 lenderSpouseLawFirmName String 1526 60 Lender spouse law firm name 45 lenderParent1LawFirmName String 1586 60 Lender parent #1 law firm name 46 lenderParent2LawFirmName String 1646 60 Lender parent #2 law firm name Array 4350 loanGuarantorLoanPersent[5/ROW_MAJOR] CsvPublicExportLoanGuarantorLoanPersent 870 Guarantors for the loan (maximum 5) 47 guarantorPersentTypeCd String 1706 30 Type of guarantor name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 48 guarantorNameOrganization String 1736 100 For ENTITY, the guarantor organization name 49 guarantorNameLast String 1836 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the guarantor last name 50 guarantorNameSuffixCd String 1936 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the guarantor name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 51 guarantorNameFirst String 1966 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the guarantor first name 52 guarantorNamePrefixCd String 2011 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the guarantor name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 53 guarantorNameShort String 2041 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the guarantor short name (nickname) 54 guarantorStreetCity String 2066 30 Guarantor street address - city 55 guarantorStreetStateCd String 2096 2 Guarantor street address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 56 guarantorStreetCountyCd String 2098 5 Guarantor street address - Texas county 57 guarantorStreetCountryCd String 2103 3 Guarantor street address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 58 guarantorStreetPostalCode String 2106 20 Guarantor street address - postal code - for USA addresses only 59 guarantorStreetRegion String 2126 30 Guarantor street address - region for country other than USA 60 guarantorEmployer String 2156 60 Guarantor employer 61 guarantorOccupation String 2216 60 Guarantor occupation 62 guarantorJobTitle String 2276 60 Guarantor job title 63 guarantorLawFirmName String 2336 60 Guarantor law firm name 64 guarantorSpouseLawFirmName String 2396 60 Guarantor spouse law firm name 65 guarantorParent1LawFirmName String 2456 60 Guarantor parent #1 law firm name 66 guarantorParent2LawFirmName String 2516 60 Guarantor parent #2 law firm name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 15 Record Name: PledgeData Length: 1426 Description: Pledges - Schedule B - Pledges from special session and special pre-election (formerly Telegram) reports are stored in the file pldg_ss and pldg_t. These records are kept separate from the pledges files to avoid creating duplicates, because they are supposed to be re-reported on the next regular campaign finance report. Files: pledges.csv, pldg_ss.csv, pldg_t.csv # Field Name Type Mask Start Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 1 20 Record type code - always PLDG 2 formTypeCd String 21 20 TEC form used 3 schedFormTypeCd String 41 20 TEC Schedule Used 4 reportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 61 11 Unique report # 5 receivedDt Date yyyyMMdd 72 8 Date report received by TEC 6 infoOnlyFlag String 80 1 Superseded by other report 7 filerIdent String 81 100 Filer account # 8 filerTypeCd String 181 30 Type of filer 9 filerName String 211 200 Filer name 10 pledgeInfoId Long 00000000000 411 11 Pledge unique identifier 11 pledgeDt Date yyyyMMdd 422 8 Pledge data 12 pledgeAmount BigDecimal 0000000000.00 430 12 Pledge amount 13 pledgeDescr String 442 100 Pledge description 14 itemizeFlag String 542 1 Y indicates that the pledge is itemized 15 travelFlag String 543 1 Y indicates that the pledge has associated travel 16 pledgerPersentTypeCd String 544 30 Type of pledger name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 17 pledgerNameOrganization String 574 100 For ENTITY, the pledger organization name 18 pledgerNameLast String 674 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the pledger last name 19 pledgerNameSuffixCd String 774 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the pledger name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 20 pledgerNameFirst String 804 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the pledger first name 21 pledgerNamePrefixCd String 849 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the pledger name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 22 pledgerNameShort String 879 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the pledger short name (nickname) 23 pledgerStreetCity String 904 30 Pledger street address - city 24 pledgerStreetStateCd String 934 2 Pledger street address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 25 pledgerStreetCountyCd String 936 5 Pledger street address - Texas county 26 pledgerStreetCountryCd String 941 3 Pledger street address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 27 pledgerStreetPostalCode String 944 20 Pledger street address - postal code - for USA addresses only 28 pledgerStreetRegion String 964 30 Pledger street address - region for country other than USA 29 pledgerEmployer String 994 60 Pledger employer 30 pledgerOccupation String 1054 60 Pledger occupation 31 pledgerJobTitle String 1114 60 Pledger job title 32 pledgerPacFein String 1174 12 For PAC pledger the FEIN 33 pledgerOosPacFlag String 1186 1 Indicates if pledger is an out-of-state PAC 34 pledgerLawFirmName String 1187 60 Pledger law firm name 35 pledgerSpouseLawFirmName String 1247 60 Pledger spouse law firm name 36 pledgerParent1LawFirmName String 1307 60 Pledger parent #1 law firm name 37 pledgerParent2LawFirmName String 1367 60 Pledger parent #2 law firm name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 16 Record Name: SpacData Length: 1644 Description: Index of Specific-purpose committees. This file contains links between specific-purpose committees (FILER_TYPE = SPAC, JSPC and SCPC) and the candidates/office holders they support, oppose or assist. The information is entered by TEC staff from the paper Form STA (treasurer appointment for a speficic- purpose committee) and amendments thereto (Form ASTA). TEC staff does not enter links based on information from campaign finance reports. The links are not broken when the STA is terminated. File: spacs.csv # Field Name Type Mask Start Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 1 20 Record type code - always SPAC 2 spacFilerIdent String 21 100 SPAC filer account # 3 spacFilerTypeCd String 121 30 SPAC type of filer 4 spacFilerName String 151 200 SPAC filer name 5 spacFilerNameShort String 351 25 SPAC acronym 6 spacCommitteeStatusCd String 376 30 SPAC committee status (ACTIVE, TERMINATED) 7 spactreasEffStartDt Date yyyyMMdd 406 8 SPAC treasurer start date 8 spactreasEffStopDt Date yyyyMMdd 414 8 SPAC treasurer end date 9 spacPositionCd String 422 30 SPAC position (SUPPORT, OPPOSE, ASSIST) 10 candidateFilerIdent String 452 100 Candidate filer account # 11 candidateFilerTypeCd String 552 30 Candidate type of filer 12 candidateFilerName String 582 200 Candidate filer name 13 candidateFilerpersStatusCd String 782 30 Candidate status (CURRENT, etc) 14 candidateEffStartDt Date yyyyMMdd 812 8 Candidate start date 15 candidateEffStopDt Date yyyyMMdd 820 8 Candidate end date 16 candidateHoldOfficeCd String 828 30 Candidate office held 17 candidateHoldOfficeDistrict String 858 11 Candidate office held district 18 candidateHoldOfficePlace String 869 11 Candidate office held place 19 candidateHoldOfficeDescr String 880 100 Candidate office held description 20 candidateHoldOfficeCountyCd String 980 5 Candidate office held country code 21 candidateHoldOfficeCountyDescr String 985 100 Candidate office help county description 22 candidateSeekOfficeCd String 1085 30 Candidate office sought 23 candidateSeekOfficeDistrict String 1115 11 Candidate office sought district 24 candidateSeekOfficePlace String 1126 11 Candidate office sought place 25 candidateSeekOfficeDescr String 1137 100 Candidate office sought description 26 candidateSeekOfficeCountyCd String 1237 5 Candidate office sought county code 27 candidateSeekOfficeCountyDescr String 1242 100 Candidate office sought county description 28 ctaSeekOfficeCd String 1342 30 CTA office sought 29 ctaSeekOfficeDistrict String 1372 11 CTA office sought district 30 ctaSeekOfficePlace String 1383 11 CTA office sought place 31 ctaSeekOfficeDescr String 1394 100 CTA office sought description 32 ctaSeekOfficeCountyCd String 1494 5 CTA office sought county code 33 ctaSeekOfficeCountyDescr String 1499 100 CTA office sought county description 34 candtreasFilerpersStatusCd String 1599 30 Candidate treasurer status (CURRENT, etc) 35 candtreasEffStartDt Date yyyyMMdd 1629 8 Candidate treasurer start date 36 candtreasEffStopDt Date yyyyMMdd 1637 8 Candidate treasurer end date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 17 Record Name: TravelData Length: 1433 Description: Travel outside the State of Texas - Schedule T - Travel records are linked to records in contribs, pledges and expenditure files through the fields parentType and parentId. They store information about in-kind contributions accepted for travel outside the State of Texas and for expenditures made for travel outside the State of Texas. File: travel.csv # Field Name Type Mask Start Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 1 20 Record type code - always TRVL 2 formTypeCd String 21 20 TEC form used 3 schedFormTypeCd String 41 20 TEC Schedule Used 4 reportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 61 11 Unique report # 5 receivedDt Date yyyyMMdd 72 8 Date report received by TEC 6 infoOnlyFlag String 80 1 Superseded by other report 7 filerIdent String 81 100 Filer account # 8 filerTypeCd String 181 30 Type of filer 9 filerName String 211 200 Filer name 10 travelInfoId Long 00000000000 411 11 Travel unique identifier 11 parentType String 422 20 Parent record type (CONTRIB, EXPEND, PLEDGE) 12 parentId Long 00000000000 442 11 Parent unique identifier 13 parentDt Date yyyyMMdd 453 8 Date of parent transaction 14 parentAmount BigDecimal 0000000000.00 461 12 Amount of parent transaction 15 parentFullName String 473 100 Full name associated with parent 16 transportationTypeCd String 573 30 Type of transportation (COMMAIR, PRIVAIR, etc) 17 transportationTypeDescr String 603 100 Transporation type description 18 departureCity String 703 50 Departure city 19 arrivalCity String 753 50 Arrival city 20 departureDt Date yyyyMMdd 803 8 Departure date 21 arrivalDt Date yyyyMMdd 811 8 Arrival date 22 travelPurpose String 819 255 Purpose of travel 23 travellerPersentTypeCd String 1074 30 Type of traveller name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 24 travellerNameOrganization String 1104 100 For ENTITY, the traveller organization name 25 travellerNameLast String 1204 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the traveller last name 26 travellerNameSuffixCd String 1304 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the traveller name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 27 travellerNameFirst String 1334 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the traveller first name 28 travellerNamePrefixCd String 1379 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the traveller name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 29 travellerNameShort String 1409 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the traveller short name (nickname) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legend: Type: Data type for the field. Mask: For numeric and date fields, a DecimalFormat or SimpleDateFormat mask. BWZ indicates 'Blank When Zero'. Start: Starting position of the field on fixed width records. Len: Length of the field. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------