------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LobbyLAR-ReadMe.txt Flat File Architecture Record Listing -- Generated 05/05/2016 05:27:41 PM TEXAS ETHICS COMMISSION DATA FROM LOBBY ACTIVITIES REPORTS www.ethics.state.tx.us * 512.463.5800 This file contains information from Lobby Activities reports filed electronically with the Texas Ethics Commission beginning February 10, 2005, and totals from reports filed on paper from 1993. Most reports have been filed electronically beginning February 10, 2005, but some are filed on paper. TEC staff enters totals from the Cover Page of reports filed on paper but does not enter detailed information from the Schedules. Information from reports which have been superseded by corrected reports is not included. The data is presented in Comma-separated value (csv) format. Record Name File Contents File Name(s) ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- ------------ CoverSheetLaData Form LA Cover Sheet (totals) LaCvr.csv IndividualReportingData Individual Reporting for Entity LaI4E.csv SubjectMatterData Subject Matter - Schedule A LaSub.csv DocketData Dockets - Schedule A LaDock.csv TransportationData Transportation - Schedule B LaTran.csv FoodBeverageData Food / Beverages - Schedule C LaFood.csv EntertainmentData Entertainment - Schedule D LaEnt.csv GiftData Gifts - Schedule E LaGift.csv AwardMementoData Awards / Mementos - Schedule F LaAwrd.csv EventData Events - Schedule G LAEvnt.csv NOTES: (1) reportInfoIdent: Unique Report Number assigned by TEC. (2) sourceCategoryCd: ELECTRONIC = Electronic, KEYED = Paper (totals entered by TEC) (3) filerIdent: The filer's account number (assigned by TEC) (4) filerName: The lobbyist name as currently stored in the TEC database. It may have been reported differently on the Lobby Activity Report. (5) filedDt: The date the report was filed. If filed by U.S. Mail or common carrier, this is the postmark date. If the date is not present or illegible, it is blank. If the report is a correction, this is the date the correction was filed. Thus, a report with a filedDt after the due date is NOT NECESSARILY LATE. (6) receivedDt: The date the report was actually received by the TexasEthics Commission. There are circumstances in which a report received after the due date is NOT CONSIDERED LATE. For example, a report filed on diskette is timely filed if it is postmarked by the deadline regardless of when it is received. (7) filerPersentTypeCd: Lobbyist Entity Code on report: ENTITY = Entity; INDIVIDUAL = Individual (8) filerNameOrganization: For ENTITY, Lobbyist Entity name as reported in Lobby ActivtiesReport. filerNameLast/First/Suffix/Prefix: For INDIVIDUAL, Lobbyist person name as reported in Lobby ActivtiesReport. The Lobbyist name may have changed since this report. See #4 filerName above for most recent name. (9) signerPrintedName: Lobbyist signature (10) onbehalfFlag: Individual Reporting for Entity. Y = Yes; N = No. This field corresponds to the checkbox in box 9 on the Cover Sheet of Form LA. (11) regReportInfoIdent: Report Number of the most recently filed Registration or Amended Registration. If regReportInfoIdent is higher than the reportInfoIdent of the LA, then the Subject Matter may be superseded. Form LA, Schedule A, Box 4 states "If your lobby communications pertained to subject matters not marked on your original lobby registration or on a previous amendment, check the appropriate boxes." (12) formTypeCd: Type of Form: LOBBYACT (Lobby Activities Report) or CORLOBBYACT (Corrected Lobby Activities Report) (13) reportTypeCd: Type of Report: LOBBYACT1000EX - Lobby Activities Exceeded $1000 Report LOBBYACTANNUAL - Modified Lobby Activities Report (Annual) LOBBYACTmmm - Regular Lobby Activities Report - month LOBBYFINAL - Lobby Final Report UNKNOWN - Unknown (14) creditCardFlag: Expenditure made by credit card. (Y=true) The LA Instruction Guide states "check this box if the expenditure was made with a credit card. This information is required because an expenditure made with a credit card may appear in either the report covering the period in which the charge is made or the report covering the period in which the credit card statement is received." This checkbox was added to Schedules B - G effective August, 2005. If checked, it explains why the expenditure date may be outside the period covered by the report. On schedules with no expenditure date (B, E, F) an additional box was added to indicate the reporting period in which the expenditure was made (see note 15.) (15) lobbyActivityPeriodCd: The month in which a credit card expenditure was made (see note 14.) Lobbyists who file activities reports using the regular (monthly) schedule enter the month in which the expenditure occurred. Lobbyists who file on the modified (annual) schedule may enter "ANNUAL" to indicate the expenditure was made during the previous year. (16) activityAmountRangeLow/activityAmountRangeHigh: On schedules where the amount of the expenditure is required, it can be reported by choosing a range from a list. These amounts correspond to the lower and higher end of each range. For example, if the list item labeled "Less than than $100" was chosen, activityAmountRangeLow will be $0.00, and activityAmountRangeHigh will be $99.99. If the list item labeled "$450 but less than $500" was chosen, activityAmountRangeLow will be $450.00, and activityAmountRangeHigh will be $499.99. If an exact amount was given, that amount will be in both activityAmountRangeLow and activityAmountRangeHigh. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 1 Record Name: CoverSheetLaData Length: 161353 Description: Form LA Cover Sheet information. NOTE: Records are included only if the due date assigned by TEC staff is after January 10, 2005. Most Lobby Activities reports due 01/10/2005 were filed on paper; most reports due afterwards were filed electronically. TEC staff enters totals from the cover page of paper reports, but does not enter any information from the schedules. File: LaCvr.csv # Field Name Type Mask Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 20 Record type code - always CVLA 2 formTypeCd String 20 TEC form used 3 reportTypeCd String 30 Report type 4 reportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 11 Unique report # 5 applicableYear String 4 Year applicable 6 filerIdent String 100 Filer account # 7 filerTypeCd String 30 Type of filer 8 filerName String 200 Filer name 9 filerSort String 200 Filer name for sorting 10 dueDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Report due date 11 receivedDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Date report received by TEC 12 periodStartDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Beginning of period covered 13 periodEndDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Ending of period covered 14 filedDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Date report was filed (postmark) 15 regReportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 11 Most recent registration report # 16 sourceCategoryCd String 30 Source of report (ELECTRONIC, KEYED) 17 filerPersentTypeCd String 30 Type of filer name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 18 filerNameOrganization String 100 For ENTITY, the filer organization name 19 filerNameLast String 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the filer last name 20 filerNameSuffixCd String 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the filer name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 21 filerNameFirst String 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the filer first name 22 filerNamePrefixCd String 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the filer name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 23 filerNameShort String 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the filer short name (nickname) 24 signerPrintedName String 100 Document signer name 25 onbehalfFlag String 1 Indicates if filing on behalf of another entity 26 totalExpendTransportation BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 Total expend: transportation 27 totalExpendFood BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 Total expend: food 28 totalExpendEntertainment BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 Total expend: entertainment 29 totalExpendGift BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 Total expend: gifts 30 totalExpendAward BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 Total expend: awards / mementos 31 totalExpendEvent BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 Total expend: pol fundraisers / charity events 32 totalExpendMedia BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 Total expend: mass media communications 33 totalBenefitStateSen BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 Total benefits: state senators 34 totalBenefitStateRep BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 Total benefits: state representatives 35 totalBenefitOtherElected BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 Total benefits: other elected/appointed offcls 36 totalBenefitLegEmpl BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 Total benefits: legislative branch employees 37 totalBenefitExecEmpl BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 Total benefits: executive agency employees 38 totalBenefitFamily BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 Total benefits: family of legis/exec branch 39 totalBenefitEvent BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 Total benefits: events - all legis invited 40 totalBenefitGuest BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 Total benefits: guests 41 lobbyistRegisteredDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Date lobbyist registered 42 lobbyistTerminatedDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Date lobbyist terminated 43 corrExplMemo String 40000 Explanation of correction 44 coverSheetMemo String 40000 Cover sheet memo 45 subjectMatterMemo String 40000 Subject matter memo 46 docketsMemo String 40000 Dockets memo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 2 Record Name: IndividualReportingData Length: 989 Description: Form LA Cover Sheet Box 9 - Indivduals Reporting For Entity. NOTE: Form LA Instructions for this box state Check 'YES' if you are reporting expenditures at the request of an entity that has chosen not to register pursuant to Ethics Commission rule 34.45. If you check 'YES' provide the name, address and phone number of the entity. Checking 'YES' indicates that you are reporting not only expenditures attributable to you but also expenditures attributable to the entity listed. File: LaI4E.csv # Field Name Type Mask Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 20 Record type code - always I4E 2 formTypeCd String 20 TEC form used 3 reportTypeCd String 30 Report type 4 reportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 11 Unique report # 5 applicableYear String 4 Year applicable 6 filerIdent String 100 Filer account # 7 filerTypeCd String 30 Type of filer 8 filerName String 200 Filer name 9 filerSort String 200 Filer name for sorting 10 dueDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Report due date 11 receivedDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Date report received by TEC 12 periodStartDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Beginning of period covered 13 periodEndDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Ending of period covered 14 lobbyExpendOnbehalfId Long 00000000000 11 Lobby expend-on-behalf unique identifier 15 onbehalfName String 100 Mashed on-behalf of name 16 onbehalfMailingAddr1 String 55 On-behalf of mailing address - line 1 17 onbehalfMailingAddr2 String 55 On-behalf of mailing address - line 2 18 onbehalfMailingCity String 30 On-behalf of mailing address - city 19 onbehalfMailingStateCd String 2 On-behalf of mailing address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 20 onbehalfMailingCountyCd String 5 On-behalf of mailing address - Texas county 21 onbehalfMailingCountryCd String 3 On-behalf of mailing address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 22 onbehalfMailingPostalCode String 20 On-behalf of mailing address - postal code - USA addresses only 23 onbehalfMailingRegion String 30 On-behalf of mailing address - region for country other than USA 24 onbehalfPrimaryUsaPhoneFlag String 1 On-behalf of primary phone number - Y if number is a USA phone, N otherwise 25 onbehalfPrimaryPhoneNumber String 20 On-behalf of primary phone number 26 onbehalfPrimaryPhoneExt String 10 On-behalf of primary phone extension ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 3 Record Name: SubjectMatterData Length: 908 Description: Form LA Schedule A - Subject Matter Categories. NOTE: Form LA Schedule A Box 4 states If your lobby communications pertained to subject matters not marked on your original lobby registration or on a previous amendment, check the appropriate boxes. Unlike other tables in this document, subject matter is based on the Year Applicable rather than due date. This information was not entered from paper reports prior to the year 2000. File: LaSub.csv # Field Name Type Mask Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 20 Record type code - always SUB 2 formTypeCd String 20 TEC form used 3 reportTypeCd String 30 Report type 4 reportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 11 Unique report # 5 applicableYear String 4 Year applicable 6 filerIdent String 100 Filer account # 7 filerTypeCd String 30 Type of filer 8 filerName String 200 Filer name 9 filerSort String 200 Filer name for sorting 10 dueDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Report due date 11 receivedDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Date report received by TEC 12 periodStartDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Beginning of period covered 13 periodEndDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Ending of period covered 14 lobbyFormType String 20 TEC Lobby Form Used 15 lobbySubjectmatterId Long 00000000000 11 Lobby subject matter unique identifier 16 subjectMatterCd String 30 Subject matter code 17 subjectMatterCodeValue String 100 Code table lookup of subject matter code 18 subjectMatterDescr String 100 Description of other subject matter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 4 Record Name: DocketData Length: 878 Description: Form LA Schedule A - Docket Nos or Other Designation. NOTE: Form LA Instructions for this box state List the docket number and the name of the state agency at which any administrative matter is pending about which you, anyone you retain or employ to appear on your behalf, or anyone who appears on your behalf communicated with an officer of the executive or legislative branch of state government during the reporting period. File: LaDock.csv # Field Name Type Mask Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 20 Record type code - always DOCK 2 formTypeCd String 20 TEC form used 3 reportTypeCd String 30 Report type 4 reportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 11 Unique report # 5 applicableYear String 4 Year applicable 6 filerIdent String 100 Filer account # 7 filerTypeCd String 30 Type of filer 8 filerName String 200 Filer name 9 filerSort String 200 Filer name for sorting 10 dueDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Report due date 11 receivedDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Date report received by TEC 12 periodStartDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Beginning of period covered 13 periodEndDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Ending of period covered 14 lobbyFormType String 20 TEC Lobby Form Used 15 lobbyDocketdesigId Long 00000000000 11 Lobby docket designation unique identifier 16 designationText String 100 Docket designation text 17 agencyName String 100 Agency name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 5 Record Name: TransportationData Length: 1872 Description: Form LA Schedule B - Transportation and Lodging. File: LaTran.csv # Field Name Type Mask Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 20 Record type code - always TRAN 2 formTypeCd String 20 TEC form used 3 reportTypeCd String 30 Report type 4 reportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 11 Unique report # 5 applicableYear String 4 Year applicable 6 filerIdent String 100 Filer account # 7 filerTypeCd String 30 Type of filer 8 filerName String 200 Filer name 9 filerSort String 200 Filer name for sorting 10 dueDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Report due date 11 receivedDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Date report received by TEC 12 periodStartDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Beginning of period covered 13 periodEndDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Ending of period covered 14 lobbyActivityId Long 00000000000 11 Lobby activity unique identifier 15 lobactivityTravelId Long 00000000000 11 Lobby activity travel unique identifier 16 creditCardFlag String 1 Credit card used 17 lobbyActivityPeriodCd String 30 Lobby activity period 18 recipientPersentTypeCd String 30 Type of recipient name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 19 recipientNameOrganization String 100 For ENTITY, the recipient organization name 20 recipientNameLast String 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient last name 21 recipientNameSuffixCd String 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 22 recipientNameFirst String 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient first name 23 recipientNamePrefixCd String 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 24 recipientNameShort String 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient short name (nickname) 25 lodgingName String 100 Name of lodging establishment 26 lodgingStreetAddr1 String 55 Lodging street address - line 1 27 lodgingStreetAddr2 String 55 Lodging street address - line 2 28 lodgingStreetCity String 30 Lodging street address - city 29 lodgingStreetStateCd String 2 Lodging street address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 30 lodgingStreetCountryCd String 3 Lodging street address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 31 lodgingStreetPostalCode String 20 Lodging street address - postal code - for USA addresses only 32 lodgingStreetRegion String 30 Lodging street address - region for country other than USA 33 checkInDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Check in date 34 checkOutDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Check out date 35 transportationTypeCd String 30 Type of transportation (COMMAIR, PRIVAIR, etc) 36 transportationTypeDescr String 100 Transporation type description 37 departureCity String 50 Departure city 38 departureDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Departure date 39 arrivalCity String 50 Arrival city 40 arrivalDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Arrival date 41 travelPurpose String 255 Purpose of travel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 6 Record Name: FoodBeverageData Length: 1278 Description: Form LA Schedule C - Food and Beverages. File: LaFood.csv # Field Name Type Mask Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 20 Record type code - always FOOD 2 formTypeCd String 20 TEC form used 3 reportTypeCd String 30 Report type 4 reportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 11 Unique report # 5 applicableYear String 4 Year applicable 6 filerIdent String 100 Filer account # 7 filerTypeCd String 30 Type of filer 8 filerName String 200 Filer name 9 filerSort String 200 Filer name for sorting 10 dueDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Report due date 11 receivedDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Date report received by TEC 12 periodStartDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Beginning of period covered 13 periodEndDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Ending of period covered 14 lobbyActivityId Long 00000000000 11 Lobby activity unique identifier 15 creditCardFlag String 1 Credit card used 16 activityDate Date yyyyMMdd 8 Activity Date 17 activityAmountCd String 30 Activity amount range 18 activityExactAmount BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 Exact activity amount 19 activityAmountRangeLow BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 Low end of activity amount range 20 activityAmountRangeHigh BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 High end of activity amount range 21 recipientPersentTypeCd String 30 Type of recipient name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 22 recipientNameOrganization String 100 For ENTITY, the recipient organization name 23 recipientNameLast String 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient last name 24 recipientNameSuffixCd String 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 25 recipientNameFirst String 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient first name 26 recipientNamePrefixCd String 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 27 recipientNameShort String 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient short name (nickname) 28 restaurantName String 100 Name of restaurant establishment 29 restaurantStreetCity String 30 Restaurant street address - city 30 restaurantStreetStateCd String 2 Restaurant street address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 31 restaurantStreetCountryCd String 3 Restaurant street address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 32 restaurantStreetPostalCode String 20 Restaurant street address - postal code - for USA addresses only 33 restaurantStreetRegion String 30 Restaurant street address - region for country other than USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 7 Record Name: EntertainmentData Length: 1388 Description: Form LA Schedule D - Entertainment. File: LaEnt.csv # Field Name Type Mask Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 20 Record type code - always ENT 2 formTypeCd String 20 TEC form used 3 reportTypeCd String 30 Report type 4 reportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 11 Unique report # 5 applicableYear String 4 Year applicable 6 filerIdent String 100 Filer account # 7 filerTypeCd String 30 Type of filer 8 filerName String 200 Filer name 9 filerSort String 200 Filer name for sorting 10 dueDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Report due date 11 receivedDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Date report received by TEC 12 periodStartDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Beginning of period covered 13 periodEndDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Ending of period covered 14 lobbyActivityId Long 00000000000 11 Lobby activity unique identifier 15 creditCardFlag String 1 Credit card used 16 activityDate Date yyyyMMdd 8 Activity Date 17 activityAmountCd String 30 Activity amount range 18 activityExactAmount BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 Exact activity amount 19 activityAmountRangeLow BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 Low end of activity amount range 20 activityAmountRangeHigh BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 High end of activity amount range 21 recipientPersentTypeCd String 30 Type of recipient name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 22 recipientNameOrganization String 100 For ENTITY, the recipient organization name 23 recipientNameLast String 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient last name 24 recipientNameSuffixCd String 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 25 recipientNameFirst String 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient first name 26 recipientNamePrefixCd String 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 27 recipientNameShort String 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient short name (nickname) 28 entertainmentName String 100 Name of entertainment establishment 29 entertainmentStreetAddr1 String 55 Entertainment street address - line 1 30 entertainmentStreetAddr2 String 55 Entertainment street address - line 2 31 entertainmentStreetCity String 30 Entertainment street address - city 32 entertainmentStreetStateCd String 2 Entertainment street address - state code (e.g. TX, CA) - for country=USA/UMI only 33 entertainmentStreetCountryCd String 3 Entertainment street address - country (e.g. USA, UMI, MEX, CAN) 34 entertainmentStreetPostalCode String 20 Entertainment street address - postal code - for USA addresses only 35 entertainmentStreetRegion String 30 Entertainment street address - region for country other than USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 8 Record Name: GiftData Length: 1215 Description: Form LA Schedule E - Gifts. File: LaGift.csv # Field Name Type Mask Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 20 Record type code - always GIFT 2 formTypeCd String 20 TEC form used 3 reportTypeCd String 30 Report type 4 reportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 11 Unique report # 5 applicableYear String 4 Year applicable 6 filerIdent String 100 Filer account # 7 filerTypeCd String 30 Type of filer 8 filerName String 200 Filer name 9 filerSort String 200 Filer name for sorting 10 dueDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Report due date 11 receivedDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Date report received by TEC 12 periodStartDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Beginning of period covered 13 periodEndDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Ending of period covered 14 lobbyActivityId Long 00000000000 11 Lobby activity unique identifier 15 creditCardFlag String 1 Credit card used 16 lobbyActivityPeriodCd String 30 Lobby activity period 17 activityDescription String 100 Activity description 18 activityAmountCd String 30 Activity amount range 19 activityExactAmount BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 Exact activity amount 20 activityAmountRangeLow BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 Low end of activity amount range 21 activityAmountRangeHigh BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 High end of activity amount range 22 recipientPersentTypeCd String 30 Type of recipient name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 23 recipientNameOrganization String 100 For ENTITY, the recipient organization name 24 recipientNameLast String 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient last name 25 recipientNameSuffixCd String 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 26 recipientNameFirst String 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient first name 27 recipientNamePrefixCd String 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 28 recipientNameShort String 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient short name (nickname) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 9 Record Name: AwardMementoData Length: 1215 Description: Form LA Schedule F - Awards / Mementos. File: LaAwrd.csv # Field Name Type Mask Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 20 Record type code - always AWRD 2 formTypeCd String 20 TEC form used 3 reportTypeCd String 30 Report type 4 reportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 11 Unique report # 5 applicableYear String 4 Year applicable 6 filerIdent String 100 Filer account # 7 filerTypeCd String 30 Type of filer 8 filerName String 200 Filer name 9 filerSort String 200 Filer name for sorting 10 dueDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Report due date 11 receivedDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Date report received by TEC 12 periodStartDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Beginning of period covered 13 periodEndDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Ending of period covered 14 lobbyActivityId Long 00000000000 11 Lobby activity unique identifier 15 creditCardFlag String 1 Credit card used 16 lobbyActivityPeriodCd String 30 Lobby activity period 17 activityDescription String 100 Activity description 18 activityAmountCd String 30 Activity amount range 19 activityExactAmount BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 Exact activity amount 20 activityAmountRangeLow BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 Low end of activity amount range 21 activityAmountRangeHigh BigDecimal 0000000000.00 12 High end of activity amount range 22 recipientPersentTypeCd String 30 Type of recipient name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 23 recipientNameOrganization String 100 For ENTITY, the recipient organization name 24 recipientNameLast String 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient last name 25 recipientNameSuffixCd String 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 26 recipientNameFirst String 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient first name 27 recipientNamePrefixCd String 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 28 recipientNameShort String 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient short name (nickname) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record #: 10 Record Name: EventData Length: 1517 Description: Form LA Schedule G - Pol. Fundraisers and Charity Events. File: LaEvnt.csv # Field Name Type Mask Len Description --- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 recordType String 20 Record type code - always EVNT 2 formTypeCd String 20 TEC form used 3 reportTypeCd String 30 Report type 4 reportInfoIdent Long 00000000000 11 Unique report # 5 applicableYear String 4 Year applicable 6 filerIdent String 100 Filer account # 7 filerTypeCd String 30 Type of filer 8 filerName String 200 Filer name 9 filerSort String 200 Filer name for sorting 10 dueDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Report due date 11 receivedDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Date report received by TEC 12 periodStartDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Beginning of period covered 13 periodEndDt Date yyyyMMdd 8 Ending of period covered 14 lobbyActivityId Long 00000000000 11 Lobby activity unique identifier 15 creditCardFlag String 1 Credit card used 16 activityDate Date yyyyMMdd 8 Activity Date 17 activityDescription String 100 Activity description 18 lobbyEventKindCd String 30 Fundraiser/charity indicator 19 recipientPersentTypeCd String 30 Type of recipient name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 20 recipientNameOrganization String 100 For ENTITY, the recipient organization name 21 recipientNameLast String 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient last name 22 recipientNameSuffixCd String 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 23 recipientNameFirst String 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient first name 24 recipientNamePrefixCd String 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 25 recipientNameShort String 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the recipient short name (nickname) 26 beneficiaryPersentTypeCd String 30 Type of beneficiary name data - INDIVIDUAL or ENTITY 27 beneficiaryNameOrganization String 100 For ENTITY, the beneficiary organization name 28 beneficiaryNameLast String 100 For INDIVIDUAL, the beneficiary last name 29 beneficiaryNameSuffixCd String 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the beneficiary name suffix (e.g. JR, MD, II) 30 beneficiaryNameFirst String 45 For INDIVIDUAL, the beneficiary first name 31 beneficiaryNamePrefixCd String 30 For INDIVIDUAL, the beneficiary name prefix (e.g. MR, MRS, MS) 32 beneficiaryNameShort String 25 For INDIVIDUAL, the beneficiary short name (nickname) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legend: Type: Data type for the field. Mask: For numeric and date fields, a DecimalFormat or SimpleDateFormat mask. BWZ indicates 'Blank When Zero' Len: Length of the field. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------