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Filing Reports

Determining a TEC Filer

Persons that file reports with the Texas Ethics Commission include the following:

  • Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Comptroller, Railroad Commissioner, Land Commissioner, Agriculture Commissioner, State Party Chair, County Chair of certain political parties
  • Texas Senate, Texas House of Representatives
  • Multi-county District Attorney
  • State Board of Education
  • Supreme Court Justice, Court of Appeals Justice, Court of Criminal Appeals Judge, and District Judges
  • Offices of a political subdivision other than a county located in more than one county and with a governing body that has not been formed (Example: A newly created utility district with boundaries crossing a county line)
  • Specific-purpose political committees supporting or opposing a candidate or officeholder who files with the Commission, or a measure that is to be submitted to voters of the entire state
  • Specific-purpose political committees for supporting or opposing school bond measures file treasurer appointment locally and campaign finance reports with the Commission
  • General-purpose political committees, including a county executive committee of a political party
  • Individuals and Entities making direct campaign expenditures in excess of $150
  • Legislative Caucuses
  • Appointed officers and executive heads of state agencies
  • Board members and executive heads of river authorities
  • District or criminal district attorney
  • Former or retired judges sitting by assignment
  • Lobbyist for the State of Texas

Persons that file campaign finance reports with the Texas Ethics Commission must file a Treasurer Appointment to obtain their Filer ID number before filing an application for a place on the ballot, announcing an intent to run for public office, or soliciting or accepting contributions or making expenditures.

Political action committees that file with the Texas Ethics Commission must file a Treasurer Appointment to obtain their Filer ID number before accepting more than $980 in contributions or making more than $980 in expenditures.

Political parties who intend to accept political contributions from corporations or labor organizations must file a Treasurer Appointment to obtain their Filer ID number before accepting any political contributions from a corporation or labor organization.

Individuals and Entities making direct campaign expenditures in excess of $150 must file a Form SECURITY to gain access to the Commission’s electronic filing application.

Persons that file lobby reports with the Texas Ethics Commission obtain a Filer ID by filing a Lobby Filer ID Request Form.

Persons that file Personal Financial statements with Texas Ethics Commission and who are not also campaign finance report filers or lobby report filers are assigned a Filer ID thru a process that is initiated by a letter from the governor or the head of the agency/river authority.

Persons that do not qualify to file on paper, must also submit a Form SECURITY to gain access to the Commission’s electronic filing application.


  • School Bond SPACS are required to file a TA with their local filing authority and to send a stamped copy to the Texas Ethics Commission. These SPACS file Campaign Finance reports with the Texas Ethics Commission.
  • County Court at Law Judges, also know as a Statutory County Court Judge, are judicial candidates and have the option of filing their PFS reports with TEC or the local county filing authority. If you choose to file with TEC, you must contact TEC to obtain a Filer ID.

Follow these steps to obtain your TEC FilerID:

  • STEP 1: Determine the appropriate form to notify the Commission that you will be filing reports: Treasurer Appointment or a Lobby Filer ID form.
  • STEP 2: Deliver the completed form to the Texas Ethics Commission.
    • Email a PDF copy of your completed form to or
    • Mail a paper copy of your completed form to:
      • Texas Ethics Commission
        P.O. Box 12070
        Austin, TX 78711-2070
  • STEP 3: Fill out Form SECURITY-CF. This form provides us with the information we need to set up your Filer ID. Please write neatly so that we can read your handwriting. Completed forms are considered confidential.
  • STEP 4: Deliver your completed Form SECURITY-CF to the Texas Ethics Commission. (You can submit your completed Form SECURITY-CF together with your completed Treasurer Appointment form if you wish.)

If you are filing by paper, you will find all paper forms by opening the top tab Forms/Instructions and then selecting your proper filer type.

If you are filing electronically go to the Login page and select Texas Ethics Commission Filing Authority as shown below.

Login Button Shown For TEC Filers

Determining a Local Filer

Persons that file campaign finance documents with local filing authorities include the following:

  • county or precinct offices (county commissioner, tax assessor/collector, constable, justice of the peace, sheriff, etc.)
  • city offices (mayor, council member, secretary, etc.)
  • political subdivision offices (school board, community college trustee, municipal utility district, water district, etc.)
  • Specific-Purpose PACs that support or oppose any of these candidate/officeholders or that support or oppose a measure in a local election, other than a school bond.


  • School Bond SPACS are required to file a TA with their local filing authority and to send a stamped copy to the Texas Ethics Commission. These SPACS file Campaign Finance reports with the Texas Ethics Commission.
  • Statutory judges can file PFS reports with TEC or their local filing authority. If you choose to file with TEC, you must contact TEC to obtain a Filer ID.

Persons that file campaign finance reports with the local filing authorities must file a Treasurer Appointment with the local filing authority before accepting a political contribution from a corporation or labor organization. You have the option of filing on paper or using TEC's electronic filing application to enter your data and then printing a copy of report to give to the local filing authority. You must create your own Filer ID, email address, using the link shown below.

Showing Create Local ID URL

If you are filing by paper, you will find all paper forms by opening the top tab Forms/Instructions and then selecting your proper filer type.

If you wish to use TEC filing application, go to the Login page and select Local Authority as shown below. After you have entered your report data, select to preview your report. You will need to manually enter your treasurer information on the coversheet of your report, then sign and get it notarized or fill out the unsworn declaration in its entirety, then deliver the document to your local filing authority.

View of Login Button For Local Filers