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At its June 1, 2016, meeting, the Texas Ethics Commission voted to adopt amendments to the following rules:

§ 8.7. Request for an Advisory Opinion.
(effective June 22, 2016)
Text of Adopted Rule

§ 20.1. Definitions.
(effective June 22, 2016)
Text of Adopted Rule

§ 34.5. Certain Compensation Excluded.
(effective June 22, 2016)
Text of Adopted Rule

§ 34.14. Expenditures for Fact-Finding Trips.
(effective June 22, 2016)
Text of Adopted Rule

§ 46.3. Definitions.
(effective June 22, 2016)
Text of Adopted Rule

§ 46.5. Disclosure of Interested Parties Form.
(effective June 22, 2016)
Text of Adopted Rule

§ 8.7. Request for an Advisory Opinion.
(effective June 22, 2016)
Text of Adopted Rule

The adopted new language is indicated by underlined text.


§ 8.7. Request for an Advisory Opinion.

(a) A request for an advisory opinion shall describe a specified factual situation. The facts specified may be real or hypothetical. The request must provide sufficient detail to permit the commission to provide a response to the request, including the name of the person making the request and, if applicable, the name of the person on whose behalf the request is made.

(b) A request for an advisory opinion shall be in writing. A written request may be mailed, hand-delivered, or faxed to the commission at the agency office.

§ 20.1. Definitions.
(effective June 22, 2016)
Text of Adopted Rule

The adopted new language is indicated by underlined text.


§ 20.1. Definitions.

The following words and terms, when used in Title 15 of the Election Code, in this chapter, Chapter 22 of this title (relating to Restrictions on Contributions and Expenditures), and Chapter 24 of this title (relating to Restrictions on Contributions and Expenditures Applicable to Corporations and Labor Organizations), shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

§ 34.5. Certain Compensation Excluded.
(effective June 22, 2016)
Text of Adopted Rule

The deleted text is indicated by [strikethrough] text.
The adopted new language is indicated by underlined text.


§ 34.5. Certain Compensation Excluded.

(a) Compensation received for the following activities is not included for purposes of calculating the registration threshold under Government Code § 305.003(a)(2)[, and this chapter and is not required to be reported on a lobby activity report filed under Government Code, Chapter 305,] and this chapter:

(b) Subsection (a) of this section does not apply to a registrant. A registrant’s activity described by subsection (a) is subject to disclosure under chapter 305 of the Government Code and this title.

§ 34.14. Expenditures for Fact-Finding Trips.
(effective June 22, 2016)
Text of Adopted Rule

The adopted new language is indicated by underlined text.


§34.14. Expenditures for Fact-Finding Trips.

(a) For purposes of §305.025(3), Government Code, an expenditure for transportation or lodging provided to a member of the legislative or executive branch is for a fact-finding trip only if:

(b) If an expenditure made for transportation or lodging for a fact-finding trip is required to be disclosed on a lobby activities report by §305.0061(a), Government Code, the purpose of the transportation or lodging must include a description of the information that the expenditure was necessary to obtain under subsection (a) of this section.

§ 46.3. Definitions.
(effective June 22, 2016)
Text of Adopted Rule

The adopted new language is indicated by underlined text.


§ 46.3. Definitions.

(a) “Contract” means a contract between a governmental entity or state agency and a business entity at the time it is voted on by the governing body or at the time it binds the governmental entity or state agency, whichever is earlier, and includes an amended, extended, or renewed contract.

(b) “Business entity” includes an entity through which business is conducted with a governmental entity or state agency, regardless of whether the entity is a for-profit or nonprofit entity. The term does not include a governmental entity or state agency.

(c) “Controlling interest” means:  (1) an ownership interest or participating interest in a business entity by virtue of units, percentage, shares, stock, or otherwise that exceeds 10 percent; (2) membership on the board of directors or other governing body of a business entity of which the board or other governing body is composed of not more than 10 members; or (3) service as an officer of a business entity that has four or fewer officers, or service as one of the four officers most highly compensated by a business entity that has more than four officers.  Subsection (3) of this section does not apply to an officer of a publicly held business entity or its wholly owned subsidiaries.

(d) “Interested party” means:  (1) a person who has a controlling interest in a business entity with whom a governmental entity or state agency contracts; or (2) an intermediary.

(e) “Intermediary,” for purposes of this rule, means, a person who actively participates in the facilitation of the contract or negotiating the contract, including a broker, adviser, attorney, or representative of or agent for the business entity who:

(f) “Signed” includes any symbol executed or adopted by a person with present intention to authenticate a writing, including an electronic signature.

(g) “Value” of a contract is based on the amount of consideration received or to be received by the business entity from the governmental entity or state agency under the contract.

§46.5. Disclosure of Interested Parties Form.
(effective June 22, 2016)
Text of Adopted Rule

The deleted text is indicated by [strikethrough] text.
The adopted new language is indicated by underlined text.

§46.5. Disclosure of Interested Parties Form.

(a) A disclosure of interested parties form required by section 2252.908 of the Government Code must be filed on an electronic form prescribed by the commission that contains the following:

(b) The certification of filing and the completed disclosure of interested parties form generated by the commission’s electronic filing application must be printed, signed by an authorized agent of the contracting business entity, and submitted to the governmental entity or state agency that is the party to the contract for which the form is being filed.

(c) A governmental entity or state agency that receives a completed disclosure of interested parties form and certification of filing shall notify the commission, in an electronic format prescribed by the commission, of the receipt of those documents not later than the 30th day after the date the governmental entity or state agency receives the disclosure [contract for which the form was filed binds all parties to the contract].

(d) The commission shall make each disclosure of interested parties form filed with the commission under section 2252.908(f) of the Government Code available to the public on the commission’s Internet website not later than the seventh business day after the date the commission receives the notice required under subsection (c) of this section.