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At its August 15, 2016, the Texas Ethics Commission voted to propose amendments to Texas Ethics Commission Rules §§ 20.61 and 26.1, and new Texas Ethics Commission Rules §§ 20.56 and 20.60. The proposals for Rules 20.56 and 20.61 relate to expenditures involving political consultants.

The Ethics Commission invites public comment on the proposals.  A written statement should be emailed to, or mailed or delivered to Natalia Luna Ashley, Texas Ethics Commission, P.O. Box 12070, Austin, Texas 78711-2070, or sent by facsimile (FAX) to (512) 463-5777.  A person who wants to offer spoken comments to the commission concerning a proposed rule may do so during the public comment period at any commission meeting when the commission considers the proposed rule.  Information concerning the time and location of commission meetings is available at

§ 20.56. Expenditures Involving Consultants.
Text of Proposed Rule

§ 20.60. Reporting Political Expenditures for Processing Fees.
Text of Proposed Rule

§ 20.61. Purpose of Expenditure.
Text of Proposed Rule

§ 26.1. Disclosure Statement.
Text of Proposed Rule

§ 20.56. Expenditures Involving Consultants.
Text of Proposed Rule

The proposed new language is indicated by underlined text.



§20.56. Expenditures Involving Consultants

(a) Beginning on January 1, 2017, an expenditure made by a consultant on behalf of a candidate, officeholder, political committee, or other filer which falls within the categories required by Texas Election Code § 254.031 must be reported as if the filer made the expenditure.

(b) The payee of an expenditure to which subsection (a) of this section applies is the particular person who receives payment from the consultant. The expenditure must be disclosed as if the filer made the expenditure directly to the particular person.

(c) The payee of an expenditure for consulting services made by a filer to a consultant is the consultant if:

(d) “Consultant” means a person who performs consulting services in a professional capacity. “Consulting services” means services provided outside the traditional relationship of employer and employee to assist in a campaign for elective office or on a measure or to assist in performing a duty or engaging in an activity in connection with an elective office, including fundraising activities, voter outreach, creation and distribution of political advertising, and providing advice and strategy in conducting a campaign, but not including legal services.

§ 20.60. Reporting Political Expenditures for Processing Fees.
Text of Proposed Rule

The proposed new language is indicated by underlined text.



§ 20.60. Reporting Political Expenditures for Processing Fees

(a) Multiple political expenditures made to a single payee during a reporting period for fees to process political contributions may be itemized as a single expenditure, in an amount equal to the combined total amount of the expenditures, if all the expenditures are made to a single payee for the same purpose.

(b) The purpose of an expenditure reported under subsection (a) of this section must include the dates of the first and last of the multiple expenditures made to a single payee during the reporting period.

(c) For reporting purposes, the date of an expenditure reported under subsection (a) of this section is the date of the first expenditure made to the payee during the reporting period, as provided by section 20.57 (Time of Making Expenditure) of this title.

§ 20.61. Purpose of Expenditure.
Text of Proposed Rule

The proposed new language is indicated by underlined text.
The deleted language is indicated by [strikethrough] text.



§ 20.61. Purpose of Expenditure

(a) For reporting required under Section 254.031 of the Election Code, the purpose of an expenditure means:

(b) The description of a political expenditure for travel outside of the state of Texas must provide the following:

(c) Except as provided by subsections [subsection] (d) and (e) of this section, this rule applies to expenditures made on or after July 1, 2010.

(d) The requirement to include an additional indication if an expenditure is an officeholder expenditure for living in Austin, Texas, applies to an expenditure made on or after July 1, 2014.

(e) Any expenditure made to a consultant under section 20.56(c) on or after January 1, 2017, must be disclosed, as applicable:

(f) [(e)] Comments:

The purpose of an expenditure must include both a description of the category of goods or services received in exchange for the expenditure and a brief statement or description of the candidate, officeholder, or political committee activity that is conducted by making the expenditure. A description of an expenditure that merely states the item or service purchased is not adequate because doing so does not allow a person reading the report to know the allowable activity for which an expenditure was made.

The following is a list of examples that describe how the purpose of an expenditure may be reported under section 20.61. This list is for illustrative purposes only. It is intended to provide helpful information and to assist filers in reporting the purpose of an expenditure under this rule. However, it is not, and is not intended to be, an exhaustive or an exclusive list of how a filer may permissibly report the purpose of an expenditure under this rule. The rule does not require the candidate or officeholder to identify by name or affiliation an individual or group with whom the candidate or officeholder meets.

§ 26.1. Disclosure Statement.
Text of Proposed Rule

The proposed new language is indicated by underlined text.
The deleted language is indicated by [strikethrough] text.


§ 26.1. Disclosure Statement

(a) A [The] disclosure statement that is required by Section 255.001, Election Code, must contain the words "political advertising" or any recognizable abbreviation, and must:

(b) A disclosure statement is not required on political advertising printed on letterhead stationery if the letterhead contains the full name of one of the following:

(c) A disclosure statement is not required on campaign buttons, pins, or hats, or on objects whose size makes printing the disclosure impractical.