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Chapter 572, Personal Financial Disclosure, Standards
Of Conduct, and Conflict Of Interest

Effective September 1, 2021
(Revised 08/01/2023)


Sec. 572.001. Policy; Legislative Intent

Sec. 572.002. General Definitions

Sec. 572.003. Definition: Appointed Officer of Major State Agency

Sec. 572.004. Definition: Regulation

Sec. 572.005. Determination of Substantial Interest

Sec. 572.006. Determination of Dependent Child

Sec. 572.007. Penalties Imposed by Commission

Sec. 572.008. Venue


Sec. 572.021. Financial Statement Required

Sec. 572.0211. Filing by Holdover Officer Not Required

Sec. 572.022. Reporting Categories

Sec. 572.023. Contents of Financial Statement in General

Sec. 572.024. Information About Services for Lobbyists or Lobbyist Employers

Sec. 572.025. Information About Legislators’ Representation Before Executive State Agencies

Sec. 572.0251. Information About Legislative Continuances

Sec. 572.0252. Information About Referrals

Sec. 572.026. Filing Dates for State Officers and Party Chairs

Sec. 572.027. Filing Dates for Candidates

Sec. 572.028. Duplicate Statements

Sec. 572.029. Timeliness of Filing

Sec. 572.0291. Electronic Filing Required

Sec. 572.0295. Amendment of Financial Statement

Sec. 572.030. Preparation and Mailing of Forms

Sec. 572.031. Determination of Compliance with Subchapter

Sec. 572.032. Public Access to Statements

Sec. 572.033. Civil Penalty

Sec. 572.034. Criminal Penalty

Sec. 572.035. Removal of Personal Information for Federal Judges, State Judges, and Family Members


Sec. 572.051. Standards of Conduct

Sec. 572.052. Representation by Legislators Before State Agencies; Criminal Offense

Sec. 572.053. Voting by Legislators on Certain Measures or Bills; Criminal Offense

Sec. 572.0531. Notice Required for Introduction or Sponsorship of or Voting on Certain Measures or Bills by Legislators

Sec. 572.054. Representation by Former Officer or Employee of Regulatory Agency Restricted; Criminal Offense

Sec. 572.055. Certain Solicitations of Regulated Business Entities Prohibited; Criminal Offense

Sec. 572.056. Contracts by State Officers with Governmental Entities; Criminal Offense

Sec. 572.057. Certain Leases Prohibited

Sec. 572.058. Private Interest in Measure or Decision; Disclosure; Removal from Office for Violation

Sec. 572.059. Independence of State and Local Officers Acting in Legislative Capacity

Sec. 572.060. Solicitation of or Recommendations Regarding Contributions to Charitable Organizations and Governmental Entities

Sec. 572.061. Certain Gratuities Authorized

Sec. 572.069. Certain Employment for Former State Officer or Employee Restricted


Sec. 572.001. Policy; Legislative Intent

(a) It is the policy of this state that a state officer or state employee may not have a direct or indirect interest, including financial and other interests, or engage in a business transaction or professional activity, or incur any obligation of any nature that is in substantial conflict with the proper discharge of the officer’s or employee’s duties in the public interest.

(b) To implement this policy and to strengthen the faith and confidence of the people of this state in state government, this chapter provides standards of conduct and disclosure requirements to be observed by persons owing a responsibility to the people and government of this state in the performance of their official duties.

(c) It is the intent of the legislature that this chapter serve not only as a guide for official conduct of those persons but also as a basis for discipline of those who refuse to abide by its terms.

Sec. 572.002. General Definitions

In this chapter:

Sec. 572.003. Definition: Appointed Officer of Major State Agency

(a) In this chapter, "appointed officer of a major state agency" means an individual listed in Subsection (b) or (c).

(b) The term means:

(c) The term means a member of:

(d) The term includes the successor in function as provided by law to an office listed in Subsection (b) or (c) if that office is abolished.

Sec. 572.004. Definition: Regulation

In this chapter, "regulation" means rulemaking, adjudication, or licensing. In this definition:

Sec. 572.005. Determination of Substantial Interest

An individual has a substantial interest in a business entity if the individual:

Sec. 572.006. Determination of Dependent Child

An individual’s child, including an adopted child or stepchild, is the individual’s dependent during a calendar year in which the individual provides more than 50 percent of the child’s support.

Sec. 572.007. Penalties Imposed by Commission

This chapter does not prohibit the imposition of civil penalties by the commission in addition to criminal penalties or other sanctions imposed by law.

Sec. 572.008. Venue

An offense under this chapter, including perjury, may be prosecuted in Travis County or in any other county in which it may be prosecuted under the Code of Criminal Procedure.


Sec. 572.021. Financial Statement Required

Except as provided by Section 572.0211, a state officer, a partisan or independent candidate for an office as an elected officer, and a state party chair shall file with the commission a verified financial statement complying with Sections 572.022 through 572.0252.

Sec. 572.0211. Filing By Holdover Officer Not Required

(a) An appointed officer who resigns from office and who ceases to participate in the state agency's functions is not required to file a financial statement that is due because of service in that office after the effective date of the resignation.

(b) An appointed officer whose term of office expires and who ceases to participate in the functions of the state agency is not required to file a financial statement that is due because of service in that office after the date the term of office expires.

(c) An appointed officer of a state agency that is abolished or whose functions are transferred to another state agency is not required to file a financial statement that is due because of service after the date that the agency is abolished or the functions of the agency are transferred.

(d) An appointed officer who resigns or whose term of office expires who does not intend to participate in the functions of the state agency shall deliver written notice of the officer's intention to the governor and the commission.

Sec. 572.022. Reporting Categories; Required Descriptions

(a) If an amount in a financial statement is required to be reported by category, the individual filing the statement shall report whether the amount is:

(b) The individual filing the statement shall report an amount of stock by category of number of shares instead of by category of dollar value and shall report whether the amount is:

(c) The individual filing the statement shall report a description of real property by reporting:

(d) For a gift of cash or a cash equivalent such as a negotiable instrument or gift certificate that is reported in accordance with Section 572.023(b)(7), the individual filing the statement shall include in the description of the gift a statement of the value of the gift.

Sec. 572.023. Contents of Financial Statement in General

(a) A financial statement must include an account of the financial activity of the individual required by this subchapter to file a financial statement and an account of the financial activity of the individual’s spouse and dependent children if the individual had actual control over that activity for the preceding calendar year.

(b) The account of financial activity consists of:

(c) For purposes of Subsections (b)(8) and (14), a blind trust is a trust as to which:

(d) If a blind trust under Subsection (c) is revoked while the individual is subject to this subchapter, the individual must file an amendment to the individual's most recent financial statement, disclosing the date of revocation and the previously unreported value by category of each asset and the income derived from each asset.

(e) In this section, "governmental entity" means this state, a political subdivision of the state, or an agency or department of the state or a political subdivision of the state.

(f) Subsection (b)(15) does not require the disclosure of an employment contract between a school district or open-enrollment charter school and an employee of the district or school.

(g) An individual who complies with any applicable requirements of Sections 51.954 and 51.955, Education Code, and Section 2252.908 of this code, in an individual capacity or as a member or employee of an entity to which those sections apply, is not required to include in the account of financial activity the information described by Subsection (b)(15) unless specifically requested by the commission to include the information.

Sec. 572.024. Information About Services for Lobbyists or Lobbyist Employers

A state officer who receives a fee for services rendered by the officer to or on behalf of a person required to be registered under Chapter 305, or to or on behalf of a person or entity that the officer actually knows directly compensates or reimburses a person required to be registered under Chapter 305, shall report on the financial statement the name of each person or entity for which the services were rendered and the category of the amount of each fee.

Sec. 572.025. Information About Legislators’ Representation Before Executive State Agencies

A member of the legislature who represents another person for compensation before an executive state agency shall report on the financial statement:

Sec. 572.0251. Information About Legislative Continuances

A member or member-elect of the legislature licensed to practice law in this state who represents a party to a civil or criminal case for compensation and on that party's behalf applies for or obtains a legislative continuance under Section 30.003, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, or under another law or rule that requires or permits a court to grant a continuance on the grounds that an attorney for a party is a member or member-elect of the legislature shall report on the financial statement:

Sec. 572.0252. Information About Referrals

A state officer who is an attorney shall report on the financial statement:

Sec. 572.026. Filing Dates for State Officers and State Party Chairs

(a) Not later than April 30 each year, a state officer or a state party chair shall file the financial statement as required by this subchapter.

(b) An individual who is appointed to serve as a salaried appointed officer or an appointed officer of a major state agency or who is appointed to fill a vacancy in an elective office shall file a financial statement not later than the 30th day after the date of appointment or the date of qualification for the office, or if confirmation by the senate is required, before the first committee hearing on the confirmation, whichever date is earlier.

(c) An individual who is appointed or employed as the executive head of a state agency shall file a financial statement not later than the 45th day after the date on which the individual assumes the duties of the position. A state agency shall immediately notify the commission of the appointment or employment of an executive head of the agency.

(d) An individual required to file a financial statement under Subsection (a) may request the commission to grant an extension of not more than 60 days for filing the statement. The commission shall grant the request if it is received before the filing deadline or if a timely filing or request for extension is prevented because of physical or mental incapacity. The commission may not grant more than one extension to an individual in one year except for good cause shown.

Sec. 572.027. Filing Dates for Candidates

(a) An individual who is a partisan or independent candidate for an office as an elected officer shall file the financial statement required by this subchapter not later than the later of:

(b) If the deadline under which a candidate files an application for a place on the ballot, other than the regular filing deadline for an independent candidate, or files a declaration of write-in candidacy falls after the date of the regular filing deadline for candidates in the general primary election, the candidate shall file the financial statement not later than the 30th day after that later deadline. However, if that deadline falls after the 35th day before the date of the election in which the candidate is running, the candidate shall file the statement not later than the fifth day before the date of that election.

(c) An individual who is a candidate in a special election for an office as an elected officer shall file the financial statement not later than the fifth day before the date of that election.

(d) An individual nominated to fill a vacancy in a nomination as a candidate for a position as an elected officer under Chapter 145, Election Code, shall file the financial statement not later than the 15th day after the date the certificate of nomination required by Section 145.037 or 145.038, Election Code, is filed.

Sec. 572.028. Duplicate Statements

If an individual has filed a financial statement under one provision of this subchapter covering the preceding calendar year, the individual is not required to file a financial statement required under another provision of this subchapter to cover that same year if, before the deadline for filing the statement under the other provision, the individual notifies the commission in writing that the individual has already filed a financial statement under the provision specified.

Sec. 572.029. Timeliness of Filing

(a) The deadline for filing a financial statement required by this subchapter is 5 p.m. of the last day designated in the applicable provision for filing the statement.

(b) If the last day for filing the financial statement is a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday included under Subchapter B, Chapter 662, the statement is timely if filed on the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or listed holiday.

(c) A financial statement is timely filed if it is properly addressed and placed in the United States Post Office or in the hands of a common or contract carrier not later than the last day for filing the financial statement. The post office cancellation mark or the receipt mark of a common or contract carrier is prima facie evidence of the date the statement was deposited with the post office or carrier. The individual filing the statement may show by competent evidence that the actual date of posting was different from that shown by the marks.

Sec. 572.0291. Electronic Filing Required

(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), a financial statement filed with the commission must be filed by computer diskette, modem, or other means of electronic transfer, using computer software provided by the commission or computer software that meets commission specifications for a standard file format.

(b) An individual who was appointed to office and who is required to file a financial statement with the commission under this subchapter may file the financial statement by certified mail. The filing by mail must be in compliance with Section 572.029.

Sec.572.0295. Amendment of Financial Statement

(a) A person who files a financial statement under this chapter may amend the person’s statement.

(b) A financial statement that is amended is considered to have been filed on the date on which the original statement was filed if:

Sec. 572.030. Preparation and Mailing of Forms

(a) The commission shall design forms that may be used for filing the financial statement under this subchapter.

(b) The commission shall mail to each individual required to file under this subchapter a notice that:

(c) The notice required by Subsection (b) must be mailed:

(d) The commission shall mail a copy of the financial statement forms and instructions to an individual not later than the third business day after the date the commission receives the individual’s request for the forms and instructions.

(e) The commission may charge a fee for mailing the financial statement forms and instructions to an individual.  The amount of the fee may not exceed the reasonable cost of producing and mailing the forms and instructions.

Sec. 572.031. Determination of Compliance with Subchapter

(a) The commission shall conduct a continuing survey to determine whether all individuals required to file financial statements under this subchapter have filed statements in compliance with this subchapter.

(b) If the commission determines that an individual has failed to file the statement in compliance with this subchapter, the commission shall send a written statement of the determination to the appropriate prosecuting attorneys of the state.

Sec. 572.032. Public Access to Statements

(a) Financial statements filed under this subchapter are public records. The commission shall maintain the statements in separate alphabetical files and in a manner that is accessible to the public during regular office hours.

      Text of subdivision as added by Acts 2017, 85th R.S., ch. 983 (H.B. 776)

(a-1) The commission shall remove the home address the telephone number, and the names of the dependent children of an individual from a financial statement filed by the individual under this subchapter before:

     Text of subdivision as added by Acts 2017, 85th R.S., ch. 34 (S.B. 1576)

(a-1) Before permitting a member of the public to view a financial statement filed under this subchapter or providing a copy of the statement to a member of the public, the commission shall remove from the statement, if applicable, the home address of:

(b) During the one-year period following the filing of a financial statement, each time a person requests to see the financial statement, excluding the commission or a commission employee acting on official business, the commission shall place in the file a statement of the person’s name and address, whom the person represents, and the date of the request. The commission shall retain that statement in the file for one year after the date the requested financial statement is filed.

(c) After the second anniversary of the date the individual ceases to be a state officer, the commission may and on notification from the former state officer shall destroy each financial statement filed by the state officer.

Sec. 572.033. Civil Penalty

(a) The commission shall determine from any available evidence whether a statement required to be filed under this subchapter is late. On making a determination that the statement is late, the commission shall immediately mail a notice of the determination to the individual responsible for filing the statement and to the appropriate attorney for the state.

(b) If a statement is determined to be late, the individual responsible for filing the statement is liable to the state for a civil penalty of $500. If a statement is more than 30 days late, the commission shall issue a warning of liability by registered mail to the individual responsible for the filing. If the penalty is not paid before the 10th day after the date on which the warning is received, the individual is liable for a civil penalty in an amount determined by commission rule, but not to exceed $10,000.

(c) This section is cumulative of any other available sanction for a late filing of a sworn statement.

Sec. 572.034. Criminal Penalty

(a) An individual commits an offense if the individual is a state officer or candidate or state party chair and knowingly and willfully fails to file a financial statement as required by this subchapter.

(b) An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor.

(c) In a prosecution for failure to file a financial statement under this section, it is a defense that the individual did not receive copies of the financial statement form required by this subchapter to be mailed to the individual.

Sec. 572.035. Removal of Personal Information for Federal Judges, State Judges, and Family Members

(a) On receiving notice from the Office of Court Administration of the Texas Judicial System of the judge’s qualification for the judge’s office, the commission shall remove or redact from any financial statement, or information derived from a financial statement, that is available to the public the residence address of a federal judge, including a federal bankruptcy judge, a state judge, or the family member of a federal judge, including a federal bankruptcy judge or a state judge.

(b) In this section, “family member” has the meaning assigned by Section 31.006, Family Code.


Sec. 572.051. Standards of Conduct; State Agency Ethics Policy

(a) A state officer or employee should not:

(b) A state employee who violates Subsection (a) or an ethics policy adopted under Subsection (c) is subject to termination of the employee’s state employment or another employment-related sanction.  Notwithstanding this subsection, a state officer or employee who violates Subsection (a) is subject to any applicable civil or criminal penalty if the violation also constitutes a violation of another statute or rule.

(c) Each state agency shall:

(d) The office of the attorney general shall develop, in coordination with the commission, and distribute a model policy that state agencies may use in adopting an agency ethics policy under Subsection (c).  A state agency is not required to adopt the model policy developed under this subsection.

(e) Subchapters E and F, Chapter 571, do not apply to a violation of this section.

(f) Notwithstanding Subsection (e), if a person with knowledge of a violation of an agency ethics policy adopted under Subsection (c) that also constitutes a criminal offense under another law of this state reports the violation to an appropriate prosecuting attorney, then, not later than the 60th day after the date a person notifies the prosecuting attorney under this subsection, the prosecuting attorney shall notify the commission of the status of the prosecuting attorney’s investigation of the alleged violation.  The commission shall, on the request of the prosecuting attorney, assist the prosecuting attorney in investigation the alleged violation.  This subsection does not apply to an alleged violation by a member or employee of the commission.

Sec. 572.052. Representation by Legislators Before State Agencies; Criminal Offense

(a) A member of the legislature may not, for compensation, represent another person before a state agency in the executive branch of state government unless the representation:

(b) A member of the legislature commits an offense if the member violates this section. An offense under this subsection is a Class A misdemeanor.

Sec. 572.053. Voting by Legislators on Certain Measures or Bills; Criminal Offense

(a) A member of the legislature may not vote on a measure or a bill, other than a measure that will affect an entire class of business entities, that will directly benefit a specific business transaction of a business entity in which the member has a controlling interest.

(b) In this section, "controlling interest" includes:

(c) A member of the legislature commits an offense if the member violates this section. An offense under this subsection is a Class A misdemeanor.

Sec. 572.0531. Notice Required for Introduction or Sponsorship of or Voting on Certain Measures or Bills by Legislators

(a) A member shall file a notice as required by Subsection (b) before introducing, sponsoring, or voting on a measure or bill if the member's spouse or a person related to the member within the first degree by consanguinity, as determined under Subchapter B, Chapter 573, is registered as a lobbyist under Chapter 305 with respect to the subject matter of the measure or bill.

(b) A member of the house of representatives to whom Subsection (a) applies shall file a written notice of that fact with the chief clerk of the house of representatives. A senator to whom Subsection (a) applies shall file a written notice of that fact with the secretary of the senate. The member shall also file a notice with the commission. A notice filed under this subsection must:

(c) A person related to the member to whom Subsection (a) applies shall file a notice with the commission identifying:

(d) A person related to the member to whom Subsection (a) applies shall file the notice required by Subsection (c) not later than:

(e) A member of the legislature who violates this section is subject to discipline by the house to which the member belongs, as provided by Section 11, Article III, Texas Constitution.

(f) In this section, "communicates directly with" and "member of the legislative branch" have the meanings assigned by Section 305.002.

Sec. 572.054. Representation by Former Officer or Employee of Regulatory Agency Restricted; Criminal Offense

(a) A former member of the governing body or a former executive head of a regulatory agency may not make any communication to or appearance before an officer or employee of the agency in which the member or executive head served before the second anniversary of the date the member or executive head ceased to be a member of the governing body or the executive head of the agency if the communication or appearance is made:

(b) A former state officer or employee of a regulatory agency who ceases service or employment with that agency on or after January 1, 1992, may not represent any person or receive compensation for services rendered on behalf of any person regarding a particular matter in which the former officer or employee participated during the period of state service or employment, either through personal involvement or because the case or proceeding was a matter within the officer’s or employee’s official responsibility.

(c) Subsection (b) applies only to:

(d) Subsection (b) does not apply to a rulemaking proceeding that was concluded before the officer’s or employee’s service or employment ceased.

(e) Other law that restricts the representation of a person before a particular state agency by a former state officer or employee of that agency prevails over this section.

(f) An individual commits an offense if the individual violates this section. An offense under this subsection is a Class A misdemeanor.

(g) In this section, the comptroller and the secretary of state are not excluded from the definition of "regulatory agency."

(g-1) For purposes of this section, the Department of Information Resources is a regulatory agency.

(h) In this section:

Sec. 572.055. Certain Solicitations of Regulated Business Entities Prohibited; Criminal Offense

(a) An association or organization of employees of a regulatory agency may not solicit, accept, or agree to accept anything of value from a business entity regulated by that agency and from which the business entity must obtain a permit to operate that business in this state or from an individual directly or indirectly connected with that business entity.

(b) A business entity regulated by a regulatory agency and from which the business entity must obtain a permit to operate that business in this state, or an individual directly or indirectly connected with that business entity may not offer, confer, or agree to confer on an association or organization of employees of that agency anything of value.

(c) This section does not apply to an agency regulating the operation or inspection of motor vehicles or an agency charged with enforcing the parks and wildlife laws of this state.

(d) A person commits an offense if the person intentionally or knowingly violates this section. An offense under this subsection is a Class A misdemeanor.

Sec. 572.056. Contracts by State Officers with Governmental Entities; Criminal Offense

(a) A state officer may not solicit or accept from a governmental entity a commission, fee, bonus, retainer, or rebate that is compensation for the officer’s personal solicitation for the award of a contract for services or sale of goods to a governmental entity.

(b) This section does not apply to:

(c) In this section, "governmental entity" means the state, a political subdivision of the state, or a governmental entity created under the Texas Constitution or a statute of this state.

(d) A state officer who violates this section commits an offense. An offense under this subsection is a Class A misdemeanor.

Sec. 572.057. Certain Leases Prohibited

(a) Except as provided by Subsection (d), a member of the legislature, an executive or judicial officer elected in a statewide election, or a business entity in which the legislator or officer has a substantial interest may not lease any office space or other real property to the state, a state agency, the legislature or a legislative agency, the Supreme Court of Texas, the Court of Criminal Appeals, or a state judicial agency.

(b) A lease made in violation of Subsection (a) is void.

(c) This section does not apply to an individual who is an elected officer on June 16, 1989, for as long as the officer holds that office.

(d) A member of the legislature or a business entity in which the legislator has a substantial interest may donate the use of office space that the member or entity owns and that is located in the member’s district to the house of the legislature in which the member serves to be used for the member’s official business. Office space donated under this subsection is not a contribution for purposes of Title 15, Election Code. Acceptance of a donation of office space under this subsection is not subject to Section 301.032.

Sec. 572.058. Private Interest in Measure or Decision; Disclosure; Removal from Office for Violation

(a) An elected or appointed officer, other than an officer subject to impeachment under Article XV, Section 2, of the Texas Constitution, who is a member of a board or commission having policy direction over a state agency and who has a personal or private interest in a measure, proposal, or decision pending before the board or commission shall publicly disclose the fact to the board or commission in a meeting called and held in compliance with Chapter 551. The officer may not vote or otherwise participate in the decision. The disclosure shall be entered in the minutes of the meeting.

(b) An individual who violates this section is subject to removal from office on the petition of the attorney general on the attorney general’s own initiative or on the relation of a resident or of any other member of the board or commission. The suit must be brought in a district court of Travis County or of the county where the violation is alleged to have been committed.

(c) If the court or jury finds from a preponderance of the evidence that the defendant violated this section and that an ordinary prudent person would have known the individual’s conduct to be a violation of this section, the court shall enter judgment removing the defendant from office.

(d) A suit under this section must be brought before the second anniversary of the date the violation is alleged to have been committed, or the suit is barred.

(e) The remedy provided by this section is cumulative of other methods of removal from office provided by the Texas Constitution or a statute of this state.

(f) In this section, "personal or private interest" has the same meaning as is given to it under Article III, Section 22, of the Texas Constitution, governing the conduct of members of the legislature. For purposes of this section, an individual does not have a "personal or private interest" in a measure, proposal, or decision if the individual is engaged in a profession, trade, or occupation and the individual’s interest is the same as all others similarly engaged in the profession, trade, or occupation.

Sec. 572.059. Independence of State and Local Officers Acting in Legislative Capacity

(a) In this section, "legislative measure" includes:

(b) For purposes of Subsection (a), a measure that is applicable to a class or subset of persons or matters that is defined in general terms without naming the particular persons or matters is a measure of general application.

(c) To protect the independence of state and local officers acting in a legislative capacity, a state or local officer, whether elected or appointed, including a member of the governing body of a school district or other political subdivision of this state, may not be subject to disciplinary action or a sanction, penalty, disability, or liability for:

Sec. 572.060. Solicitation of or Recommendations Regarding Contributions to Charitable Organizations and Governmental Entities

(a) Unless otherwise prohibited by the Code of Judicial Conduct, a state officer or state employee may:

(b) A monetary contribution solicited or recommended as provided by Subsection (a) must:

(c) A contribution solicited or recommended as provided by Subsection (a) that is not a monetary contribution must be delivered directly to the charitable organization or governmental entity by the person making the contribution.

(d) A contribution paid as provided by Subsection (b) or delivered as provided by Subsection (c) is not:

Sec. 572.061. Certain Gratuities Authorized

This subchapter does not prohibit the acceptance of a gratuity that is accepted and reported in accordance with Section 11.0262, Parks and Wildlife Code.

Sec. 572.069. Certain Employment for Former State Officer or Employee Restricted

A former state officer or employee of a state agency who during the period of state service or employment participated on behalf of a state agency in a procurement or contract negotiation involving a person may not accept employment from that person before the second anniversary the date the contract is signed or the procurement is terminated or withdrawn.